Thrush - Medtick


Thrush is a fungal infection caused by the following types of fungus:

  • Candida albicans (80-90% of cases)
  • Candida glabrata (5% of cases)
  • Candida tropicalis
  • Candida parasiliosis
  • Candida krusei
  • Candida kefyr
  • Candida guillermondii
  • Sacccharomyces cerevisiae
  • This fungus grows when there are changes in the vagina environment and/or microflora and hence causing symptoms.
  • Changes in vaginal pH.
  • Inflammation (hot red and swelling) of the vagina.
  • Inflammation (hot red and swelling) of the penis (infected partner).
  • Genetics (Black British, Family history)
  • Sexually activity
  • Men normally get genital thrush from infected women partners or if have a serious weak immune system.
  • Weak immune conditions
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy,menstruation, menopause , taking hormonal medication: Combined oral contraceptive pill, HRT , Oestrogen supplements)
  • Weak immune medication

This condition can be mistaken for Bacterial Vaginosis (where bacteria changes the vaginal pH  environment)

  • Test and treatments are available from pharmacies to check which is which as treatments can be different, please see the infection service to check symptoms for this condition.


Does one have:

  • Inflamed (red, swollen and hot), soreness, itching around the vagina?
  • Itching around the vagina?
  • White or clear, thick or watery, curdy ‘cheese’ like odourless discharge?
  • Stinging sensation when passing urine (because vagina is sore)?
  • Experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse (because vagina is sore)?
  • Excessive stress and/or recently poor health (weak immune condition)?
  • Above symptoms particularly worse at night?
Sexual partner experiencing ‘thrush like symptoms’ 
  • If one’s sexual partner is experiencing ‘thrush-like symptom’ , please ask he/she to use the Medtick website.
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