Sore Throat - Medtick

Sore Throat

It is the inflammation (hot, red and swelling) of the pharynx.


Causes are due to the following:



  • Cold and flu infection
  • Viral (majority i.e. Adenoviruses, herpes simplex virus, Coxsackie virus)
  • Glandular fever (viral infection)
  • Bacterial (throat infection i.e. Streptoccous, Staphycocci , C. Dipetheriae, S. Pyogenes)
  • Epiglottis (bacterial) – affects mainly young babies and children.
  • Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils)
  • Fungal (caused normally by a weak immune system or using steroid inhalers and/or weak immune system medication)
It can be very contagious and can spread by air droplets, hand contact, kissing and touching infected areas.


Non –infection:

  • Allergy (allergic reaction)
  • Various irritants (e.g. air pollution, chemicals)
  • Exposed to air conditioned rooms
  • Hay fever
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
  • Dehydration (dry mouth)
  • Laryngitis – inflammation of one’s voice box that can lead the person to have a sore and croaky voice due to overuse of their voice box (the vocal cords vibrate at a faster rate than normal causing swelling).
  • Smoking
  • Vocal cord disorders
  • Direct injury to throat
  • Side effects from drugs (e.g. antihistamines, antidepressants and diuretics)


Does one have:

  • Tender pain at back of the throat (pain can vary)?
  • A dry, scratchy feeling and/or a hoarseness throat (muffled voice)?
  • Discomfort when swallowing (Pain that worsens when swallowing or talking)?
  • Tenderness around ears, jaw and front of throat (sore or swollen neck glands)?
  • Throat appears red and inflamed in the mouth (swollen red tonsils)?
  • Been talking for a long time or shouting/singing (laryngitis)?
  • Phlegm at the back of the throat (travelling from the nose) causing catarrh, sore throat, horse voice, cough, tiredness and fever (one may have some of these symptoms)?
  • A mild cough?
  • Younger children: Symptoms such as mild fever and/or nausea and/or vomiting (one off) and/or abdominal pain?
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