Skin Tags - Medtick

Skin Tags

What is it?

These are not warts and are flesh or brown coloured, they occur for where the skin rubs on itself.




  • Flesh or brown coloured?
  • Skin feels like a ball?
  • Skin feels attached to the skin?
  • Painless?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

General tips

  • Do not attempt to cut of a skintag, as it can increase the risk of a skin infection.
  • A skin tag should be cut of in a healthcare professional setting if other medical or natural methods have failed and can be sent of for testing (to make sure it is not anything else).
  • Look at the links/sources below and i.e. SingleCare and look for ‘Remove a skintag’ .

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Skin Tags in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).