Cullen Sign or Grey Turner Sign or Fox's Sign - Medtick

Cullen Sign or Grey Turner Sign or Fox’s Sign

What is it?

Grey Turner sign

  • A condition of the  bruising of the flanks, the part of the body between the last rib and the top of the hip.

Cullen sign

  • Like the Grey Turner sign condition  but it occurs on on near the navel (belly button).

Fox’s sign

  • Like the Grey Turner sign condition but it occurs near the hip and thigh.



  • Swelling of the navel (bellybutton) and/or flanks?
  • Bruising (yellow, green and/or purple of the navel (bellybutton) and/or flanks and/or thigh?
  • Change of colour of the fatty tissue surrounding the navel (bellybutton) and/or flanks and/or thigh?
  • Discomfort of the navel (bellybutton) and/or flanks and/or thigh?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

Medical Emergency Condition

And/or do not wait, phone for ambulance if have or develop:


  • An increased or high level of fluid collection within the peritoneum (the sac that contains the intestines within the abdominal cavity- the outside lining of the organs- this space has peritoneal fluid which helps to reduce friction between the belly and the organs during digestion).
  • It is due to a combination of factors, including increased pressure in the portal system and decrease protein in the body which the liver produces, this causes fluid to leak out of the portal vein and into the abdominal cavity and lining – the peritoneum.
  • The blood volume is reduced and the kidney then responds and try to retain salt and water in the body, this causes further swelling.
  • Ascites can also be caused by cancer, heart failure, kidney failure, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), and tuberculosis affecting the lining of the abdomen.
  • Symptoms include:
    • Increased abdominal swelling and belly size
    • Ankle swelling
    • Shortness of breath
    • Feeling full after eating small amounts of food
    • Appetite loss


  • Described as  enlarged veins. Blood that is meant for the portal system, is diverted to and gathers in other veins as it makes its way to the heart these include along the oesophagus, stomach , intestines, rectum and/or anus.
Anyone with the above condition and bleeds from any orifice must seek urgent medical attention

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Cullen Sign or Grey Turner Sign or Fox’s Sign in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).