Atelectasis - Medtick


What is it?

It is the complete or partial collapse of a lung.

  • It is sometimes referred to as a ‘collapsed lung’ it is caused by fresh air that is unable to reach the tiny airsacs of the lungs, called the alveoli, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
  • This results in decreased levels of oxygen being delivered to the organs and tissues of the body (hypoxia) and increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • It is different from a a pneumothorax (which is also referred as a collapsed lung) because this is where oxygen gas and carbon dioxide gas escapes through a hole between the lung and the chest wall.

Diagnosis test




  • Hypoventilation- shallow breathing prevents air from getting to the alveoli, causing the air sacs to deflate and collapse.
  • Breathing at an abnormally slow rate
  • Surgery, especially with general anaesthesia
  • Person is placed on a respirator
  • Surgery: Chest, Upper abdomen, head and neck, or blood vessels, Chest or abdomen incision
  • Not moving for long periods of time, such as while in intensive care or on bed rest
  • Lung disease
  • Airway obstruction may be caused when something blocks a passage either inside the lung (like a mucus plug or a foreign object) or outside of the lungs.
  • Lung cancer i.e.
    • Cancer of the alveoli (lung adenocarcinoma)
  • Chest infections causing high levels of mucus
  • Heart conditions affecting your breathing
  • Foreign bodies entering the lungs
  • Decreased surfactant production (surfactant keeps the alveoli in your lung from collapsing when you exhale)
  • Anything that prevents you from taking a deep breath
  • Rib fracture
  • Overweight
  • Smoking
  • Over the age of 60
  • Adhesions are an abnormal condition where tissues begin to stick together
  • Compression of the airways:
    • Pleurisy
    • Enlarged heart
    • An aneurysm
    • Tumour
    • Enlarged lymph nodes
    • Ascites (fluid build up in the abdomen)
    • Any squeezing that does not allow full lung expansion, such as a tight bandage

Medication i.e.


  • Dry hacking, cough longer than three weeks?
  • Wheezing?
  • Rapid shallow breathing?
  • A sharp chest pain that worsens with a deep breath, typically on one side of the chest?
  • Short of breath or difficulty breathing or feeling like you cannot get enough air?
  • Chest pain?
  • Heavy sweating?
  • Heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat?
  • Blue lips and fingers?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

Medical Emergency Condition

Do not wait, phone an ambulance if have symptoms or develop:

This condition can lead to:

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Atelectasis in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).