What is it?
It is when one gets in contact with an allergen.
Allergens include :
- Inhalation: Pollen, mould and spores, dust mites
- Ingestion: Food i.e. kiwi, nuts, medication
- Touch: Chemicals, detergents, metals, plants
- Injection: Insect/plant bite, medication
The body’s defence system, the immune system treats it like a threat and thinks it is under attack and produces a variety of chemicals (e.g. histamines) and it is these chemicals that cause the symptom that causes the variety of symptoms in allergies.
The symptoms and severity can vary from individual to individual and one needs to also bear in mind that an allergen can be anything so the patient needs to try to identify the cause.
- An allergy is said to short term if one has it from a few hours to six weeks.
- An allergy is said to long term if one has it greater than six weeks.
General Allergy
Exposed themselves to anything one may be allergic to i.e.
- Deodorants
- Chemical fumes
- Formaldehyde
- Glue
- Hairspray
- Household cleaning products
- Paint
- Refrigerant coolants
- Sulphuric acid
- Latex
Skin allergy
- Bite and sting
- Metals and jewellery
- Harsh chemicals
- Hot and cold temperatures
Pets and animals allergy
Dust mite
(Please note it is the faeces of dust mites that cause an allergy not the dust mite itself)
- Dusty environments
- Touching products that retain dust e.g. soft toys, cushions, (old) untouched products
- Sleeping in duvets and on pillow
Mould Spore
- Allergic to any fungal/yeast
- In moist environments i.e. communal areas, gyms, saunas, home
- Contact with damp, where there is yeast and fungi growth
- Contact with ‘off’ food or plants/vegetables/fruit where there is yeast and fungi growth
Hay Fever
- During spring March – July, worst at morning and evenings
- Allergic response to air conditioning systems, heating systems, carpets, dust, insulating materials
Food allergy
- Eaten or drunk (baby include breastfeeding) anything out of the ordinary recently i.e.
- Cow’s milk
- Chicken eggs
- Soya
- Peanuts
- Wheat
- MSG contain food
(Please note symptoms do vary from person to person)
- Allergic conjuctivitis:
- Eyes (lids) hot, red and swollen?
- Eyes itchy, soreness, burning and feeling uncomfortable?
- Whites of eye look inflamed, hot, red, and swollen?
- Producing a watery discharge?
- Both eyes infected?
- Dry/gritty eyes?
- Itchy throat/roof of mouth?
- Is phlegm at the back of the throat (travelling from the nose) causing catarrh, sore throat, horse voice, cough, tiredness and fever (one may have some of these symptoms)
- Frequent sneezing
- Itchy/runny nose?
- Sinus discomfort?
- Watery and itchy eyes with runny nose?
- Groggy feeling?
- Lack of smell/taste?
- Blocked nose/congestion?
- Sinusitis symptoms:
- High fever?
- Pain radiating from jaw and mistaken for toothache?
- Pain at worst when moving head forward/lying down/swimming/flying (facial pain or pressure)?
- Pain at worst at morning and easier throughout day?
- Tender sinuses and/or hurts when touched?
- Nausea and vomiting?
- Stomach cramps?
- Diarrhoea?
- Small size eczema/dry skin type rash appear anywhere on body (not on face)?
- Itchy rash on face?
- Skin broken?
Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:
Do not wait. phone for an ambulance if have or develop:
- Anaphylaxis
- Steven-Johnson syndrome
- Shock:
- Rapid heart rate (rapid pulse)
- Rapid breathing
- Dilated pupils
- Pale, cool skin
- Sweating (diaphoresis)
- Yawning
- If shock occurs (whilst awaiting for an ambulance):
- Lay the person down (if their injuries allow it) and raise and support their legs
- Use a coat or blanket to keep them warm, but do not cover their face or the burnt area
- Do not give them anything to eat or drink
- How to Treat Shock
If one has a constant or a recurring blocked or runny nose and/or loss of smell and taste one should consider:
This condition has been associated with:
Please be aware of other conditions which may show similar symptoms to:
Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice
Detailed Information
Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Allergy (weak immune system and medication taken reactions) in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).
- Medical News Today
Medical news and health news headlines posted throughout the day, every day.
- Medscape (Professional level)
Latest medical news and expert commentary in your specialty as well as disease information.
- Healthline
Medical Information and health advice you can trust
- EveryDay Health
Wellness inspired. Wellness enabled.
- Pharmaceutical Journal (Professional level)
The Pharmaceutical Journal covers analysis, features, opinion, learning and careers articles, providing insight and knowledge about drugs, pharmacy practice, medicines use and healthcare policy in the context of the pharmacy profession and pharmaceutical science.
Find information and advice on health conditions, symptoms, healthy living, medicines and how to get help (British National Health Service).
- WebMD
Better Information. Better Health.
- Cleveland Clinic
Pushing the Standards of care.
- Mayo Clinic
No.1 Hospital in the Nation (America)
- Drugs.com
Know more. Be sure.
- National Organisation of Rare Diseases
NORD is dedicated to supporting education, elevating care, advancing research, and driving policy for rare diseases.
- Verywell Health
Know more. Fell better.
- Fit for Travel
Information on how to stay safe and healthy abroad.
- DR Axe
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- ChatGPT (The answers here can't be verified, as it may finds answers from not the above sources)
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- DeepSeek (The answers here can't be verified, as it may finds answers from not the above sources)
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