Tears play a very important role in the function of the eye.
It helps to provide:
- A natural defence of infection
- Maintain clear vision
- Wash out dust and debris
- Keeps the eye hydrated
Dry eyes occur when one does:
- Not produce enough tears
- Not the right quality of tear or tears that evaporate too quickly.
- It is important to treat to prevent eye infection, eye injury and maintain the function of the eye.
- Almost half of all sufferers have meibomian gland dysfunction, where the meibomian gland (along the edge of the upper and lower eye lid) produces an oil-secreting layer to prevent tears from evaporating, this is usually diagnosed by your optician.
Tests include:
- Optrex blink test
- Systane non-invasive tear break-up time test
- Fluorescein dye test (a vital dye thought to stain dead and dying cells principally on the cornea)
- Schirmer’s test (an invasive filter paper strip folded over the lower lid to absorb the tear film for a period of five minutes)
(Some are consistent, some are suggestive while others remain unclear):
Evidence for dry eye risk factors:
Mostly consistent |
Suggestive |
Unclear |
Older age | Asian race | Hispanic ethnicity |
Female sex | Tricyclic antidepressants | Cigarette smoking |
Postmenopausal oestrogen therapy | Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors | Anticholinergics |
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids deficiency | Diuretics | Anxiolytics |
Antihistamine medicines | Beta blockers | Antipsychotics |
Connective tissue disease | Diabetes mellitus | Alcohol |
Laser refractive surgery | HIV/HTLV1 infection | Menopause |
Radiation therapy | Systemic chemotherapy | Botulinum toxin injection |
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation | Large incision corneal surgery | Acne |
Vitamin A deficiency | Isotretinoin | Gout |
Hepatitis C infection | Low humidity environments | Oral contraceptives |
Androgen deficiency | Sarcoidosis | Pregnancy |
Ovarian dysfunction |
Source: Smith JA, Albeitz J, Begley C et al. Ocul Surf 2007;5:93–107
Eyelid twitch
- An eyelid twitch (myokymia) is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscles. A twitch usually occurs in the upper lid, but it can occur in both the upper and lower lids.
- These spasms are mild and feel like a gentle tug on the eyelid
- Episodes of eyelid twitching are unpredictable.
- The twitch may occur on and off for several days. Then you may not experience any twitching for weeks or even months.The twitches are typically painless and harmless, but they may bother you. Most spasms will resolve on their own without the need for treatment.
- Mainly dehydration (not enough water)
- Drinking too much caffeine, smoking (tobacco) and/or alcohol
- Environmental irritants, such as wind, bright lights, sun, or air pollution
- Exposed to air conditioned rooms
- Driving
- Fatigue (tiredness) or lack of sleep
- Physical exertion
- Stress and anxiety
- Dry eyes
- Eye irritation, strain, or corneal abrasion
- Light sensitivity
- Uveitis and/or or swelling of the middle layer of your eye
- Blepharitis, or inflammation of your eyelid
- Conjunctivitis (pinkeye)
- Migraine episodes
- Medication
Serious underlying condition to consider:
Eyelid spasms are a symptom of a more serious brain or nerve disorder. When eyelid twitches are a result of these more serious conditions, they’re almost always accompanied by other symptoms.
Brain and nerve disorders that may cause eyelid twitches include:
- Bell’s palsy
- Brain damage from inflammation or a stroke. This is especially true for the thalamus, basal ganglia, or brain stem
- Dystonia, which causes unexpected muscle spasms and your affected area’s body part to twist or contort
- Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis), which causes your neck to randomly spasm and your head to twist into uncomfortable positions
- Meige syndrome (nervous system movement disorder)
- Multiple sclerosis (MS), which is a disease of the central nervous system that causes cognitive and movement problems, fatigue, and eye twitching
- Parkinson’s disease
- Tourette syndrome
- Reaction to certain mental health medicines
Benign essential blepharospasm
- If the spasms become chronic (long term), you may have what’s known as benign essential blepharospasm, which is the name for chronic (long term) and uncontrollable winking or blinking.
- This condition typically affects both eyes (both eyes close or twitch at the same time) and is more common in women than in men.
- The condition will likely worsen over time and may cause problems with the muscle groups around your eye. and it may eventually cause:
- Eye irritation (often a first symptom)
- Increased rate of blinking
- blurry vision
- Light sensitivity
- Dry eyes
- Vision problems, if twitching is frequent
- Facial spasms
- Unknown
- Having certain genes (family history)
- Head injury may increase your risk for eye twitching
- Problems with the basal ganglia (a part of the brain)
Hemifacial spasm
- If the eyelid twitch affects just one eye.
- This type of spasm is a neuromuscular disorder usually caused by a blood vessel putting excess pressure on one of your facial nerves.
- This disorder is more common in women than in men, and it’s also more common in people from Asia.
- If left untreated it may cause:
- frequent, uncontrollable eye twitching
- an inability to open your eye
- twitching in all muscles of one side of your face
If eye twitching is chronic (long term) and severe, it can permanently damage your eyelids and the other structures in the area.
This can cause problems such as:
- Upper eyelids resting lower than normal
- Eyebrows resting lower than normal
- Extra skin in the upper or lower eye
- Abnormal folding in of the eyelids
Some people with chronic eye twitching also eventually develop muscle spasms in other parts of the body such as the jaw or neck.
Why let a GP receptionist decide on whether you should go to Pharmacy, or see a Medical Doctor?
- They are not medically trained
- Let them get on with the job they are supposed to do.
Let Medtick help to do that (it is developed by trained experts).
Advanced medical services related to the ‘minor ailment’ condition
If you wish to go to the Infection Service or Aftercare Service please select one of the tabs below:
Infection Service
- This section is regarding if one has an infection or not
- Check an infection by answering ‘yes or no approach’ to identify infections
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- This tool has a ‘save’ function and can be retrieved at a later time
- Presented as a report in a percentage format
Aftercare Service
- The Aftercare Service is an optional service where one can answer questions related to their symptoms, which could be a more serious underlying condition (not an infection or any physical injury).
- For example if one had pain in their wrist, it may not be a simple sprain but a form of arthritis.
- This site does not include body, skin or nail Infection conditions and/or diseases, please see ‘The Infection Service’ section for those conditions.
- Check “Refer to Dr symptoms” by answering ‘yes or no approach’ to identify diseases
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- This tool has a ‘save’ function and can be retrieved at a later time
- Presented as a report in a percentage format
Rash Aftercare Service
- The ‘Rash Aftercare Service’ is an optional service where we try to identify a non-infection rash if one believes it is not a minor ailment rash.
- For example one may think they have eczema when it could be skin cancer.
- This site does not include body, skin or nail Infection conditions and/or diseases, please see ‘The Infection Service’ section for those conditions.
- Check a rash by answering ‘yes or no approach’ to identify rashes
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- This tool has a ‘save’ function and can be retrieved at a later time.
- It is then presented as a report in a percentage format.
Nail Aftercare Service
- The ‘Nail Aftercare Service’ is an optional service where we try to identify underlying nail conditions and how it may be related to other medical conditions.
- For example one may think they have eczema when it is could be skin cancer.
- This site does not include body, skin or nail Infection conditions and/or diseases, please see ‘The Infection Service’ section for those conditions.
- Check one’s nail by answering ‘yes or no approach’ to identify conditions
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- This tool has a ‘save’ function and can be retrieved at a later time
- It is then presented as a report
Infection Service
You currently have Aftercare Credits available.
Aftercare Services Report - 5 Credits Rash Aftercare Services Report - 3 Credits Nail Aftercare Services Report - 2 CreditsMedical Condition
Medical Condition
- This section is to check if one has any existing or is prone to medical conditions related to this chapter.
- Check your medical condition by answering ‘yes or no approach’
- Lists a serious of conditions involved with your symptoms/condition, if one has an existing medical condition and it appears in this section
- One can check if their existing medical condition is getting worst
- Helps the healthcare professional to make a judgement if the existing medical condition is getting worst.
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- Presented as a report
Does one have any of the following conditions or believed to be prone to the conditions:
Medication Taken
Medication Taken
- This section is regarding whether a medication side effect can be causing the condition selected.
- Check your medication (click on medication subject) and then by answering ‘yes or no approach’, if ‘ yes’ then please type medication in the panel for confirmation.
- One can check list of medication (including vitamin and minerals) that can cause your condition/symptom
- One can check or maybe identify if medication is causing your medical condition/symptom
- Helps the healthcare professional to make a judgement if your medication is causing the symptom/condition
- An additional information tool available to explain further medication, symptoms and feelings
- Presented as a report
Herbal and Vitamins
- Not all herbal and vitamins medicines are regulated. Remedies specially prepared for individuals don’t need a licence, and those manufactured may not be subject to regulation.
- Evidence for the effectiveness of herbal and vitamins medicines is generally very limited.
- It’s important to tell your doctor if you take any herbal medicines before undergoing surgery.
- Although some people find them helpful, in many cases their use tends to be based on traditional use rather than scientific research.
Websites links where one can check Medication to Medication interactions and/or Side effects:
- Patient Information Leaflet (check public information regarding a medication)
- British National Formulary (BNF) - provide prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines.
- Medication to Medication Interaction checker including Food and Alcohol
- Medication to Medication Interaction Checker including Herbal and Vitamin Supplements
Refer to Medical Doctor
- This section is about whether one needs to see a medical doctor
- Check your symptoms/condition by answering ‘yes or no approach’
- List of ‘refer to doctor symptoms/conditions’ that need to be referred to your medical doctor which need further investigation and diagnosis.
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- Presented as a report
Red Flag Symptoms
- Red-flag symptoms can be general (e.g. weight loss or fatigue) or specific (e.g. coughing up blood) and act as an alert of potentially sinister pathology.
- Red flags are not diagnostic tests; their main role is that they raise suspicions of a severe underlying cause.
Refer to Medical Doctor
Reset Your AnswersPlease tick yes or no
, then the program will move to the next question.
Please add 'text' in underline parts where appropriate and press proceed to move to next question.
(Please be careful when answering questions as one cannot go back to change one's answer, you can start again by clicking 'Reset Your Answers').
Further investigation
Additional information:
If the following symptoms below occur one may have an infection and/or a underlying cause.
If the following symptoms below occur:
- High temperature greater than 38°C (100°F) or over and/or chills?
- Headache which is on and off or a constant headache?
- Swollen or sticky eye or sensitive to light?
- Balance and dizziness problems?
- Ear infection or a discharge?
- Runny nose, congestion, cold not cleared by over the counter medication or greater?
- Mouth infection?
- Swollen lymph glands and/or recurring mouth ulcers?
- Enlarged and/or red sore tongue?
- Sore throat longer than seven days or more and/or spots in back of throat and/or tonsils or uvula severely hot, red and/or swollen?
- Dry cough longer than 3 weeks and/or breathing difficulties?
- Initially a persistent dry cough which has now become a chesty cough with yellow/green and/or blood stained phlegm?
- Breast pain and discharge?
- New rash that has appeared or existing rash getting worse and/or rash longer than one month?
- Bleed and bruise easily (or appears like bruising and bleeding)?
- Any unknown lumps or swellings on any part of body?
- Skin infection (swollen skin with yellow discharge)?
- Nail infection?
- Abdominal pain and/or are constant violently vomiting?
- Unexplained weight loss?
- Aching, painful muscles, muscle cramps/spasms/stiffness/twitching with this chapter?
- Joint stiffness and pain with this chapter?
- Rectal bleeding and/or pain with this chapter?
- Kidney condition/infection (When one has a moving pain, from abdomen to the side and back and burning urine)?
- Vaginal discharge which is smelly and cloudy (female)?
- Vaginal pain (female)?
- Genital infection/lumps and swelling?
- Prolonged and/or painful erection (male)?
- Diarrhoea with this chapter?
- If 60 years and older one should talk to a pharmacist/doctor to check if not dehydrated.
- Please see your doctor if:
- If premature and is less than 6 months old.
- If less than three months old.
- If 3-12 months old and diarrhoea longer than 24 hours.
- If 1-7 years old and diarrhoea longer than 48 hours.
- If 8-59 year sold and diarrhoea longer than 72 hours.
Please consider looking at our other Medtick services:
- Advanced section: ‘Refer to Dr’ (You have already done this, if you have purchased the Advance section!)
- Hospital section (Medical Emergency only)
If not a Medical Emergency (one can enter these services after clicking an initial subject (at the bottom of each introduction page) and/or once completed the advance report).
- The infection service (first)
If not resolved then please check
- The Aftercare service (second)
- Rash Aftercare service (if applicable)
- Nail Aftercare service (if applicable)
Thank you
Exposure to Infection
Exposure to Infection
- This section is about serious infectious diseases and concentrates on where these diseases are picked up from
- Check your symptoms by answering ‘yes or no approach’
- Lists of questions that check if you are prone to certain infections from local exposure to different countries.
- An additional information tool available to explain further medical conditions, symptoms and feelings
- Presented as a report (some parts as a percentage format)
List of Places where infectious conditions are found:
Algeria | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Yellow Fever |
Angola | Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Polio Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Yellow Fever Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus |
Benin | Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Yellow Fever Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Polio Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) |
Botswana | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Yellow Fever African Sleeping Sickness |
Burkina Faso | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Cholera Diphtheria Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Yellow Fever Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Burundi | Yellow Fever Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus |
Cameroon | Cholera Diphtheria Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus MonkeyPox |
Cape Verde | Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Cholera Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Malaria |
Central African Republic | Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus MonkeyPox |
Chad | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis E Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Measles |
Comoros | Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Congo | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) MonkeyPox Chikungunya |
Côte d'Ivoire | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever MonkeyPox |
Djibouti | Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Egypt | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Bird Flu (Avian Flu) |
Equatorial Guinea | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Polio |
Eritrea | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Eswatini (Swaziland) | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Ethiopia | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Measles |
Gabon | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus |
Gambia | Yellow Fever Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tetanus Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Ghana | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Guinea | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Guinea-Bissau | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus |
Kenya | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) Chikungunya Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Lesotho | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) |
Liberia | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Libya | Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Madagascar | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Polio Measles |
Malawi | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Mali | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Mauritania | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Polio Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Mauritius | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Measles Chikungunya |
Mayotte French Territorial Collectivity | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Morocco | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Mozambique | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Namibia | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Anthrax |
Niger | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis E Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Nigeria | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus MonkeyPox Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Measles |
Réunion | Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) |
Rwanda | Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Yellow Fever Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Saint Helena | Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Necrotising Fasciitis |
Senegal | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Seychelles | Yellow Fever Tetanus Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Sierra Leone | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Polio Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Somalia | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
South Africa | Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Listeriosis Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Measles |
South Sudan | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis E Diphtheria Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Polio Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Sudan | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Chikungunya |
United Republic of Tanzania (Zanzibar) | Yellow Fever Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Chikungunya Anthrax Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Togo | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Polio Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
Tunisia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Measles West Nile Virus |
Uganda | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tetanus Malaria Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Zambia | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tetanus Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) African Sleeping Sickness |
Zimbabwe | Cholera Yellow Fever Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tetanus Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Bahrain | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies |
Iran | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Polio Malaria Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Iraq | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Polio |
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Rabies Tetanus Polio West Nile Virus Q Fever Measles |
Jordan | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Kuwait | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies |
Lebanon | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Oman | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Qatar | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies |
Saudi Arabia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Malaria Cold And Flu Infection Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Syria | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Measles |
United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Legionnaires Disease |
Yemen | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Measles |
Afghanistan | Cholera Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Kazakhstan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tick Borne Encephalitis |
Kyrgyzstan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Tick Borne Encephalitis |
Pakistan | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Japanese Encephalitis Polio Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Chikungunya Whooping Cough Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) |
Tajikistan | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) |
Turkmenistan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Rabies Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) |
Uzbekistan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies |
Bangladesh | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis Zika Virus Encephalitis |
Bhutan | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis Chikungunya |
Brunei Darussalam | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis |
Cambodia | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis H.I.V & A.I.D’s (HIV/AIDS) Bird Flu (Avian Flu) |
China | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Polio Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Tick Borne Encephalitis Japanese Encephalitis Bird Flu (Avian Flu) Rare Bacterial Diseases and/or Mosquito Bite Virus Diseases and/or Encephalitis Virus disease of America’s and Russia and Africa and Asia and Australia |
North Korea | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Japanese Encephalitis |
Hong Kong | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Whooping Cough |
India | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Encephalitis Typhus Legionnaires Disease Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Measles Chikungunya |
Japan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Japanese Encephalitis Rubella (German Measles) Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Measles Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease |
Laos | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Polio Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis |
Macao | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Bird Flu (Avian Flu) |
Malaysia (Sarawak, Sabah) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Measles Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Melioidosis |
Maldives | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Zika Virus |
Mongolia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles |
Myanmar | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Polio Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Measles |
Nepal | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis Typhus Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) |
Philippines | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Polio Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Chikungunya Measles Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) |
South Korea (Korea, Republic of Korea) | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Malaria Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Tick Borne Encephalitis Japanese Encephalitis |
Singapore | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Measles Chikungunya |
Sri Lanka | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Japanese Encephalitis |
Taiwan | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Measles Japanese Encephalitis |
Thailand | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Chikungunya Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Measles Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Chicken Pox Typhus |
Timor-Leste | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis |
Vietnam | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Japanese Encephalitis Zika Virus Rubella (German Measles) Measles Bird Flu (Avian Flu) Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease |
American Samoa | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Measles |
Australia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Japanese Encephalitis Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Encephalitis Measles Listeriosis Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Mumps Melioidosis Q Fever Whooping Cough Rabies Rare Bacterial Diseases and/or Mosquito Bite Virus Diseases and/or Encephalitis Virus disease of America’s and Russia and Africa and Asia and Australia |
Christmas Island | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Cook Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Federated States Of Micronesia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Measles |
Fiji | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Measles Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) |
French Polynesia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Guam | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Kiribati | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies |
Marshall Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Measles Zika Virus |
Nauru | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
New Caledonia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
New Zealand | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Measles Mumps |
Niue | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Northern Mariana Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Palau | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Papua New Guinea | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Japanese Encephalitis Polio Chikungunya |
Pitcairn | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Samoa | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Measles |
Solomon Islands | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Malaria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Rubella (German Measles) |
Tokelau | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Measles |
Tonga | Cholera Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Measles |
Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
Vanuatu | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
Anguilla | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Antigua and Barbuda | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Aruba | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Bahamas | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease |
Barbados | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Diphtheria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Bonaire | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
British Virgin Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Cayman Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Cuba | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
Curaçao | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Dominica | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Dominican Republic | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Chikungunya |
Grenada | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Guadeloupe | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Chikungunya |
Haiti | Cholera Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Jamaica | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Martinique | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Chikungunya |
Montserrat | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Puerto Rico | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) |
Saba | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
Saint Barthelemy (French Territorial Collectivity) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease |
Saint Lucia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Saint Martin (French Territorial Collectivity) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Sint Eustatius | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus |
Sint Maarten | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Trinidad and Tobago | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Diphtheria Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Turks and Caicos | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
US Virgin Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Bermuda | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Chikungunya |
Canada | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Diphtheria Rabies Whooping Cough Measles Legionnaires Disease |
Greenland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies |
Mexico | Cholera Zika Virus Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Chikungunya Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus |
United States of America (Alaska, Hawaii, Oahu, Maui) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Measles Dengue (Break Bone Fever) West Nile Virus Zika Virus Whooping Cough Typhus Legionnaires Disease Lyme Disease (and other tick infections including Anaplasmosis and Neoehrlichiosis) Encephalitis Hanta Virus Mumps Cryptosporidiosis Tick Borne Encephalitis Chikungunya Rare Bacterial Diseases and/or Mosquito Bite Virus Diseases and/or Encephalitis Virus disease of America’s and Russia and Africa and Asia and Australia Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Belize | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Costa Rica | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Diphtheria Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
El Salvador | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Guatemala | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Honduras | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Nicaragua | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Panama | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Antarctica (Polar Region) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus |
Argentina | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Hanta Virus Chikungunya Sporotrichosis (Rose Gardener’s Disease) Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of South America) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Brazil | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chikungunya Toxoplasmosis Measles Sporotrichosis (Rose Gardener’s Disease) Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Chile (Easter Island) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Q Fever Zika Virus Measles Typhus |
Colombia | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Ecuador (Galapagos Islands) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Falkland Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus |
French Guiana | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
Guyana | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Paraguay | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Polio Sporotrichosis (Rose Gardener’s Disease) |
Peru | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya Chicken Pox |
Suriname | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Zika Virus Chikungunya |
Uruguay | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) |
Venezuela (Margarita Island) | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Malaria Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Zika Virus Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) Chikungunya |
Albania | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection Hanta Virus |
Andorra | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus |
Armenia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Cold And Flu Infection |
Austria | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles West Nile Virus Hanta Virus Listeriosis |
Azerbaijan | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Cold And Flu Infection |
Belarus | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Belgium | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Legionnaires Disease Measles Polio |
Bosnia Herzegovina | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles West Nile Virus |
Bulgaria | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Measles Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Croatia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Hanta Virus West Nile Virus Cold And Flu Infection |
Cyprus | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus West Nile Virus Malaria |
Czech Republic | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Denmark | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Vibrio Vulnificus Measles Listeriosis Cold And Flu Infection Whooping Cough |
Estonia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Cold And Flu Infection |
Faroe Islands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus |
Finland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Vibrio Vulnificus Measles Listeriosis Cold And Flu Infection |
France (Corsica) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Dengue (Break Bone Fever) West Nile Virus Measles Chikungunya Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Rabies Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
Georgia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Measles Cold And Flu Infection Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) |
Germany | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Vibrio Vulnificus Measles Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Hanta Virus |
Gibraltar | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection |
Greece (Corfu, Crete, Rhodes) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Malaria West Nile Virus Measles Hanta Virus Rabies |
Hungary | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Hanta Virus Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Iceland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection Measles |
Ireland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Syphilis (adults) Mumps Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Measles Whooping Cough |
Italy (Sardinia, Sicily) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Measles Chikungunya Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Legionnaires Disease |
Kosovo | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Measles |
Latvia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Cold And Flu Infection |
Liechtenstein | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection |
Lithuania | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Luxembourg | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection |
Malta | Yellow Fever Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection |
Monaco | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Cold And Flu Infection |
Montenegro | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Cold And Flu Infection |
Netherlands | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus West Nile Virus Legionnaires Disease Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) Whooping Cough Rabies Measles |
Norway (Svalbard) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Vibrio Vulnificus Cold And Flu Infection Measles |
Poland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection Rubella (German Measles) |
Portugal (Azores, Madeira) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Republic of Moldova | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Cold And Flu Infection |
Republic of North Macedonia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies West Nile Virus Cold And Flu Infection Hanta Virus |
Romania | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Russian Federation | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection West Nile Virus Rare Bacterial Diseases and/or Mosquito Bite Virus Diseases and/or Encephalitis Virus disease of America’s and Russia and Africa and Asia and Australia |
San Marino | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus |
Serbia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis West Nile Virus Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Slovakia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Slovenia | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Hanta Virus West Nile Virus Cold And Flu Infection |
Spain (Spain Majorca, Minorca, Balearic Islands, Ibiza, Formentera, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura) | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Legionnaires Disease West Nile Virus Measles Dengue (Break Bone Fever) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Whooping Cough Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) |
Sweden | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Vibrio Vulnificus Listeriosis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Switzerland | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Tick Borne Encephalitis Measles Cold And Flu Infection |
Turkey | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Rabies Measles West Nile Virus |
Ukraine | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tick Borne Encephalitis Polio Measles |
United Kingdom | Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus MonkeyPox Measles Whooping Cough Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Bird Flu (Avian Flu) Scarlett Fever (Scarlatina) Chikungunya Cryptosporidiosis Mumps Rubella (German Measles) Legionnaires Disease Rabies |
Bacillary Dysentery |
In general:
Cholera |
Countries: Caribbean
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Cyclosporiasis |
In general:
Diphtheria |
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Tetanus |
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) |
In general:
Countries: North America
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever |
In general:
Countries: North America
Typhus |
Check Specific Country (regions)
In general:
Countries: North America
South America
Anthrax |
In general:
Countries: Africa
Rheumatic Fever |
In general:
Rhinoscelroma |
In general:
Tropical Pyomyositis |
In general :
Melioidosis |
In general:
Countries: Asia
Australasia and Pacific
Glanders |
In general:
Brucellosis |
In general:
Kawasaki Disease |
Tularaemia |
In general:
Typhoid And Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) |
Areas in the world which have:
Countries: Caribbean
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Botulism (check if had diarrhoea and/or constipation) |
In general:
Buruli Ulcer |
In general:
Yaws (Frambesia tropica, Thymosis, Polypapilloma tropicum, Parangi, Bouba, Frambosie, Pian) |
In general:
Blastomycosis (Gilchrist’s Disease) |
In general:
Coccidiodomycosis (Valley Fever) |
In general:
Histoplasmosis |
In general:
Fungal Pneumonia |
In general:
Malaria |
The information is provided by Fit for Travel.
Middle East Asia
Australasia and Pacific Caribbean North America Central America South America
Europe & Russia Fit for Travel |
Chagas Disease (American Sleeping Sickness, American Trypanosomiasis) |
In general:
Countries: South America
Leishmaniasis (Visceral Leishmaniasis, Kala-Azar) |
In general:
Countries: South America
Europe & Russia
Tick Borne Encephalitis |
In general:
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
African Sleeping Sickness |
In general:
Countries: Africa
Amoebiasis (Amoebic Dysentery) |
In general:
Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) |
In general:
Countries: Caribbean
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Pneumocystis |
Ascariasis (Round Worm) |
In general:
Trichinosis (Trichinella Roundworm) |
In general:
Trichuriasis (Whipworm) |
In general:
Strongyloidiasis |
In general:
Hookworm |
In general:
Tapeworm |
Areas of high consumption of raw undercooked meats and fish |
Tungiasis |
In general :
Onchoceriasis Filariasis (River Blindness) |
In general:
Bancroftian and Malayan Filariasis (Elephantiasis) |
In general:
Loiasis |
In general:
Mansonelliasis |
In general:
Myiasis |
In general:
Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm Disease) |
In general: African countries:
Fascoliasis |
Hepatitis A |
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Hepatitis B |
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Chikungunya |
In general:
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Australasia and Pacific
Dengue (Break Bone Fever) |
In general:
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Yellow Fever |
General: Please click the following link: Yellow fever risk areas. Fit for Travel Countries: Caribbean
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Japanese Encephalitis |
Countries: Asia
Australasia and Pacific
West Nile Virus |
In general: Outbreaks in:
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Polio |
Areas of poor sanitation Countries: South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Rabies |
In general: Mainly developing countries
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
In general:
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Covid-19/ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) / Camel Flu |
Zika Virus |
Countries: Caribbean
North America
Central America
South America
Australasia and Pacific
MonkeyPox |
Countries: Europe & Russia
Rare Bacterial Diseases and/or Mosquito Bite Virus Diseases and/or Encephalitis Virus disease of America’s and Russia and Africa and Asia and Australia |
Countries: North America
Central America South America Europe & Russia
Australia |
Tuberculosis |
Bird Flu (Avian Flu) |
Countries: Europe & Russia
Encephalitis |
Countries: North America
Hanta Virus |
Countries: North America
South America
Europe & Russia
Legionnaires Disease |
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) |
Countries: Caribbean
Europe & Russia
Australasia and Pacific
Measles |
Countries: North America
South America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Mumps |
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Australasia and Pacific
Meningitis (Be aware of symptoms, occur at anytime) |
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Q Fever |
Countries: South America
Middle East
Australasia and Pacific
Rubella (German Measles) |
Countries: Europe & Russia
Australasia and Pacific
Scarlett Fever (Scarlatina) |
Countries: Europe & Russia
Toxoplasmosis |
Countries: South America
Whooping Cough |
Countries: North America
Europe & Russia
Australasia and Pacific
Vibrio Vulnificus |
Countries: Europe & Russia
Sporotrichosis (Rose Gardener’s Disease) |
Countries: South America
If develop severe warning symptoms then please go to hospital.

Exposure to Infection
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