Thrush (Male) - Medtick

Thrush (Male)

  • Thrush is a fungal infection caused by the following types of fungus:
    • Candida albicans (80-90% of cases)
    • Candida glabrata (5% of cases)
    • Candida tropicalis
    • Candida parasiliosis
    • Candida krusei
    • Candida kefyr
    • Candida guillermondii
    • Sacccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Inflammation (hot red and swelling) of the penis.
  • This fungus grows when there are changes in the vagina environment and/or microflora and hence causing symptoms (infected partner).
  • Changes in vaginal pH (infected partner)
  • Inflammation(hot red and swelling) of the vagina (infected partner).
  • Genetics (Black British, Family history)
  • Sexually activity
  • Men normally get genital thrush from infected women partners or if have a serious weak immune system.
  • Weak immune conditions
  • Hormonal changes (taking hormonal medication: Oestrogen supplements)
  • Weak immune medication


Does one have:

  • Inflamed (red, swollen and hot), soreness, itching around the penis?
  • Itching around the penis?
  • White or clear, thick or watery, curdy cheese like odourless discharge?
  • Stinging sensation when passing urine (because penis is sore)?
  • Experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse (because penis is sore)?
  • Above symptoms particularly worse at night?
Sexual partner experiencing ‘thrush like symptoms’ 
  • If one’s sexual partner is experiencing ‘thrush-like symptom’ , please ask he/she to use the Medtick website.
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