Why Medtick (FAQ)?

When one has a symptom and visits their healthcare professional, one expects the healthcare professional and their team (i.e. healthcare assistants in pharmacies) to ask the patients the relevant questions to make a diagnosis.

For example:

  • If your healthcare professional does not ask the relevant questions then how can one make a more accurate diagnosis or select the right product or take the next steps i.e. further testing?
  • In pharmacies: if patients ask for a particular product because they had it before, it does not mean it’s the right one on this occasion?

The examples are above seem quite obvious however in the real world with Healthcare professionals facing heavy workloads, poor training, endless targets as well as multiple tasks to carry out and limited time to see patients , the above questioning may not always occur.

  • The Medtick programme was developed to ask the relevant questions from the moment they have a symptom and guide the patients to the right healthcare professional. Together with the healthcare professional one can provide the optimum treatment.
  • It’s easy to use and is available for everyone with a “yes or no” approach as well as there are sections in the programme for patients to explain further symptoms and feelings.
  • The Medtick programme allows patients feel more confident, check symptoms they never thought they would and that the relevant symptoms have been answered.
  • The Medtick programme is not a symptom checker or identify disease, our role is to gather information and provide to your healthcare professional for the optimum treatment.
  • No online computer diagnosis tool can override a healthcare professional judgment; hence we need a computer diagnosis tool that will help Medical doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to make an accurate diagnosis.
  • The Medtick programme gathers medical information from you by asking you expert medical questions (developed by medical experts!), if the healthcare professional has more information available to them, then they will make a more clear diagnosis and provide the best treatment they can.

Emergency: Hospital visit or not?

Check hospital symptoms
Check disease/conditions that need to be referred to a hospital


The Medtick programme will first check whether you need hospital treatment so you do not waste any time in getting prompt emergency medical treatment.

  • If you feel you need emergency medical treatment always talk to an healthcare professional
  • If it is not an emergency one should go to the pharmacy before visiting your medical doctor

Off to the pharmacy then or a Medical doctor surgery/practice?

Basic report
Check symptoms
Check similar symptoms
Advanced report
Basic report above
Check Medical Condition and Medication
Check Referral to Doctor
Check Exposure to Infection
Check the infection service


  • If one feels there is no need to go to the hospital then the programme will guide you to the pharmacy section first.
  • Check the medical conditions and symptoms that the pharmacist can treat (Try to click the most important and initial symptoms first).
  • Look at the symptoms of those minor ailment conditions and even compare symptoms of other minor ailment condition (similar ‘minor ailment’ conditions) as well as look at treatments available and general tips (Basic report section)!!
  • The Medtick programme gathers all the question and information you have given and presents it as a report for you to show your health care professional to make a judgement.

This gives many advantages:
The report shows the relevant information, save times for the healthcare professional to ask the same questions and allowing the healthcare professional more time to explain the products and treatments after all that’s what pharmacist are experts in.

  • If you get better … great! … If not and your symptoms are getting worst and/or you are unsure you can also check whether you need to see a medical doctor (Advanced report section).

Why this approach?

  • Many symptoms initially should be assessed by a pharmacist first, the pharmacist will assess your symptoms make a judgement and provide the appropriate treatment and advice and/or on whether you should see a medical doctor or not
  • Now you have become more informed about your symptoms, you are able to have a more productive discussion with your healthcare provider about your condition and the next stage of treatment.

Need to see a medical doctor?

If one feels their symptoms are more serious or want to make sure whether they should see a Medical Doctor or not.
Medtick programme has information which can:

  • Check their existing medical condition to see if they are causing the symptoms.
  • Check if they take any medication and see if the side effects are causing their symptoms.
  • Check if they have been abroad to see if a infectious disease is causing their symptoms
  • Check if they have been exposed to anything that is causing their symptoms/infections

All of the above again is presented as a report and even gives percentages on some conditions!!

  • The results shown are for information use only; if one has a low or high % result does not indicate you have or have not that condition.
  • The results are based on the questions answered with in this programme.
  • The information in the programme is not complete and is constantly being updated.
  • The purpose of the programme is to give an idea on what condition they may or may not have.
  • Further tests or questioning or assessment maybe required from your medical healthcare professional to confirm or not confirm the medical condition.
  • Always see a healthcare professional as the results does not substitute medical advice from a medical Healthcare professional.

Why this approach?

  • We expect all healthcare professionals and healthcare assistants in pharmacies and Medical practices to ask these questions before making a diagnosis.
  • With the Advanced sections questions this could help to avoid a misdiagnosis?
  • Now you have become more informed about your symptoms, you are able to have a more productive discussion with your doctor or healthcare provider about your condition and the next stage of treatment.


Why are the ‘Medical condition and ‘Medication taken’ in the Advanced report  and not in Basic report?

  • Because each time you visit a pharmacy and seek advice or purchase a medicinal product, the pharmacist and pharmacy assistants should ask the above question, so why duplicate this?
  • If one wishes, one can show the ‘Advanced question section’ questions as an advanced report to your pharmacist who can then advise you further on what to do next.
  • It is in the ‘ Advanced report/section’ so one can check if their existing medical conditions are getting worse and to identify a medication side effect so your Medical doctor is aware of this and can advise the patient on what to do next.

Why is ‘Referral to Doctor’ section first and then the ‘Exposure to Infection’ section ?

  • In the Medick programme the referral to doctor section allows you to check questions that needs to be referred to  a medical Doctor, it will also advise you to check the Aftercare services if one want to check further n what condition one may have.
  • All infections should be investigated by a Medical Doctor and/or a suitable Qualified Medical Professional. Self medicating is not advised as overuse and/or prolonged use of antibiotics and other medications can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance (meaning the will not work in the future as effectively).

Is it an infection?

Exposure to Infection and/or The Infection Service:

Check exposure to infection
Check The Infection service

Medtick programme will give one an opportunity to check if you have an infection.

  • The results shown are for information use only; if one has a low or high % result does not indicate you have or have not that condition.
  • The results are based on the questions answered with in this programme.
  • The information in the programme is not complete and is constantly being updated.
  • The purpose of the programme is to give an idea on what condition they may or may not have.
  • Further tests or questioning or assessment maybe required from your medical healthcare professional to confirm or not confirm the medical condition.
  • Always see a healthcare professional as the results does not substitute medical advice from a medical Healthcare professional.

Why this approach?

  • The first thing in my experience is Medical Doctors will check if one has any serious hospital referral conditions first and then if one has an has an infection, to do this they need to ask you medical questions and then may conduct further testing.
  • Medtick Ltd has created a ‘Hospital section’ programme that asks those questions and then a ‘Exposure to infection and Underlying infection service programme’ about infections again in a ‘yes or no’ approach and in percentages so the medical doctor can assess if you have an infection.
  • Now you have become more informed about your symptoms, you are able to have a more productive discussion with your Medical Doctor or healthcare provider about your condition and the next stage of treatment.


Why are there many questions in the conditions in the infection services when clicking a question?

Because there are many diseases, so when a programme or a Medical Doctor asks you a small no. of questions, how can this be a thorough diagnosis!!!

  • To make it easier, Medtick has put a guide to each condition so one can browse quickly to the relevant condition.
  • We have put the common and very serious conditions at the top to save time. Rather than you describe your symptoms while you’re feeling ill and not feeling 100%, the Medtick programme lists the symptoms for you; all you need to do is answer ‘yes/no’.
  • It does take time but I’d rather answer as many questions as possible and make fewer visits to my medical doctor as possible (there is a save button so you can go back to the section if required).
  • There is a section where one can write additional symptoms or feelings if one of the questions triggers of a thought/symptom.
  • This way nothing is missed.
  • Answering all your symptoms into the ‘Underlying Infection service’ will allow you to research all the possible conditions in your own time, find the one that best fits with your symptoms, and then discuss this with your doctor.

Why are no treatments for each condition listed?

We don’t list treatments unlike other websites because each local regions within a country, different countries have different protocols, different medicines and different medication names and hence these protocols, different medication, different medication names as well as the healthcare professional judgment should be solely decided by your healthcare professional who are treating your medical condition.

What happens if it’s not an infection?

Check The Aftercare Service
Check Rash aftercare Service
Check The Nail infection Service
  • If a patient believes it is not an infection then it maybe an underlying condition or disease.
  • There are many conditions and most will find to make such diagnosis it can take time and many further testing, there could be many visits to your medical doctor to determine your condition/disease.
  • Medtick Ltd has created a programme where one can check if they have an underlying diseases (The Aftercare Service). a non infection rash (Rash Aftercare) and/or nail conditions (Nail Aftercare)
  • This is done by asking the patient a range of symptoms, it collects all the data and list possible diseases and gives them as a percentage as a result.
  • The results shown are for information use only; if one has a low or high % result does not indicate you have or have not that condition.
  • The results are based on the questions answered with in this programme.
  • The information in the programme is not complete and is constantly being updated.
  • The purpose of the programme is to give an idea on what condition they may or may not have.
  • Further tests or questioning or assessment maybe required from your medical healthcare professional to confirm or not confirm the medical condition.
  • Always see a healthcare professional as the results does not substitute medical advice from a medical Healthcare professional.
  • Each condition links to a general quick guide to help you learn more.
  • Now you have become more informed about your symptoms and condition, you are able to have a more productive discussion with your Medical Doctor and/or  Healthcare provider about your condition and the next stage of treatment.

Why this approach?

  • Medical Doctors have limited time to ask you a range of symptoms and as a patient you would like a medical doctor to diagnose a condition as soon as possible, why not answer a range of symptoms in your own time before you visit the healthcare professional and then show the results to your Medical Doctor or healthcare professional and allow them then to guide you to the next stage of treatment, this will save time and money for you and the medical doctor.
  • If one answer all the questions it will give you the results in a percentage format, this is a valuable tool as we know the body can have isolated conditions as well as no. of conditions related to each other.
  • Your Medical Doctor then can assess the report and discuss together on why and what to do next, this enables the patient a greater understanding on your condition and the approach taken in diagnosing and treating your condition (if applicable).


Why are there many questions in the ‘Aftercare service’ and/or ‘Rash aftercare service’ and/or ‘Nail aftercare Service’?

  • Because there are many diseases, so when a programme and/or a Medical Doctor asks you a small no. of questions, how can this be a thorough diagnosis!!!

  • Rather than you describe your symptoms while you’re feeling ill and not feeling 100%, the Medtick programme lists the symptoms for you; all you need to do is answer ‘yes/no’.
  • There is an Additional information page if you wish to describe your feelings too and/or one feels something is not listed in our Medtick programme.
  • It does take time but I’d rather answer as many questions as possible and make fewer visits to my medical doctor as possible (the programme save your information so you can go back to the section later if required).
  • There is a section where one can write additional symptoms or feelings if one of the questions triggers of a thought/symptom, this way nothing is missed.
  • Answering all your symptoms into the Infection/Aftercare/rash aftercare/nail services will allow you to research all the possible conditions in your own time, find the one that best fits with your symptoms, and then discuss this with your Medical Doctor.

When using the aftercare service it suggested I may have cancer?

  • The common symptoms of cancer are also those of many less serious illnesses which are why cancers will often appear in the list and this can be alarming.
  • The key indicator is how long you have had the symptom for and whether it is getting worse which is why Medtick programme has put length of time in our questions/symptoms.
  • When you first see the results you may well be overwhelmed or alarmed, but it is important to remember that Medtick list of suggestions are just initial diagnostic possibilities. It is the job of your Medical Doctor to work with you to decide which of the conditions are most likely and conduct further tests.

It also allows the Medical Doctor to do further test sooner rather than later if it has shown a strong result of conditions.

  • The Medtick programme only will give results based on the symptoms you have answered ‘yes’ too , it will not be able to tell you what your exact condition is even if it indicates 100% ‘ it just means you are showing typical symptoms related to this condition.
  • Further tests for confirmation will be required.

Why are no treatments for each condition listed?

We don’t list treatments unlike other websites because each local regions within a country, different countries have different protocols and/or different medication and/or different medicine names, these protocols and different medications and different medicine names as well as the healthcare professional judgment should be solely decided by your healthcare professional who are treating your medical condition.

Discussing with health care professional

  • Medtick aim is to gather information together with the patients input so your healthcare and present it as a report so your healthcare professional can give you the right treatment, signpost as soon as possible saving you time and money and get on with your daily lives.

It’s understandable to accept your Healthcare professional first condition as the correct one, and not question their judgement however one should discuss:

  • Medtick matches the symptoms to disease X what do you think, is there further tests for that, what treatments are available, how would those treatments help?
  • Medtick matches the symptoms to disease X and Y, are they related?

Just by simply asking your healthcare professional the above is a crucial part of the dialogue, and could be the difference between the correct condition and an incorrect or delayed one.

Healthcare professionals welcome any information that will help them to reach the correct medical condition with you and provide the right medical treatment for you.


Why not add The infection Service, The Aftercare service, Rash Aftercare Service and Nail Aftercare Service together in one programme rather than individual section and reports?

Healthcare professionals (like any other professional in their field) deal situations in stages:

  • First asses if it’s not a hospital serious emergency case.
  • Then the healthcare professional will check if it is a minor ailment case and at the same time assess if one needs to see a medical doctor and treat if it is a minor condition.

If a Medical Doctor assistance is required then:

  • Medical doctors will normally check for an infection first.
  • Medical doctors will then assess other underlying disease and/or if it’s a non- infection rash (if applicable)
  • Hence the Medtick programme follows this process and allows more detailed information gathering and more ‘a reality approach’ in diagnosing a condition.
If we put all the sections together, the programme will have too many questions and it will become long and tedious (not what the patient wants if they are ill) and the results become endless!!
  • It also makes the programme more complicated.

Why do you charge?

Simple reason…….as like any other business we provide jobs and must pay for highly developed skilled staff such as medical healthcare professionals, third parties, accountants , computer programmers, analysts , red tape, tax….etc …. in order to provide you a quality service (I’m sure you understand!).

We do not just want to advertise pointless random adverts (only limited and relevant medical adverts), this limits our revenue, and hence we must pass a small fee to you, but we do believe we overall we save you money and time and you are more informed regarding medical information when experiencing the Medtick programme and how it engages you with your healthcare professional provider. Other companies charge (front line institutions i.e. hospitals and General practice, pharmacy etc,) for their services and then the practice charge you (no medical service is free in life!) as a result some (front line) institutions are then reluctant to get involved (due to limited budgets).

Why are no treatments for each condition listed?

We don’t list treatments unlike other websites because services/treatments/medications varies within local regions within a country, different countries have different protocols as a result we believe the healthcare professional judgment/services/treatments should be solely decided by your healthcare professional who are treating your medical condition in your region/country (we do provide further links who may have links to that country medical protocols and treatments and/or who may give such information).