Warm Up – Cool Down Exercises

  • Too much exercise too quickly can cause damage to muscles and tissues and put you out of action before you’ve even got started.
  • It is vital that you build up to any session of moderate to strenuous exercise with gentle aerobic exercise.
  • If you are planning a work-out in the gym, spend 15-20 minutes on the running machine or exercise bike.
  • Start off slowly and increase your speed gradually throughout the session.
  • Do some simple and gentle stretching or loosening exercises to limber up for any weight training.
  • When you have finished training, don’t just pack your bag and go. Help cool down your body and reduce your heart rate to a normal pace with a series of gentle movements. Taking a slow, relaxing swim or quick yoga session are two good ways of cooling down after exercise.
  • Exercise will make you sweat – so it’s important you replace the fluid you lose during a session as soon as possible. You should take sips of water throughout your exercise session.
  • Have a few glasses of water after exercise will also help to cool you down. Your body dehydrates during exercise so it is important to restore fluid levels.
  • Use an effective isotonic drink that will help boost energy levels at the end of a strenuous exercise session. Regular training can deplete the muscle’s store of carbohydrate and lead to fatigue, but replacement of glycogen stores within 2-3 hours of every work out will help keep energy levels topped up.