General Tips Eczema

  • One needs to identify trigger that cause the eczema and do ones best to avoid that trigger to the point it does not affect your health.
  • Try to avoid changes in diet (unless advice of dietician).
  • If in sweaty environments e.g. gyms, swimming pools hot areas at work, try to keep hydrated and cool.
  • Avoid very sweaty routines.
  • Air conditioned rooms can make ones eczema worst especially if the environment is too cold and one goes to a warm environment and/or one is prone to dry skin. 
  • Avoid extreme temperature and humidity.
  • Avoid excessive showering and bathing. Limit the time to 10-15 minutes as water can irritate and worsen eczema and dry skin.
  • Bath in warm water not hot as this will irritates the skin.
  • Avoid soaps that cause skin dryness. Try to use Simple soaps or soap substitute’s e.g. aqueous cream
  • Rubbing alcohol can cause the skin to get very dry as it has anti-stringent properties, it can be very drying to skin so don’t use on any dry areas i.e acne and dry skin eczema , which could cause your skin to overproduce oil and worsen blemishes.
  • Try to have a good balanced diet
  • Cut down on smoking
  • Drink plenty of water at least 2-3 litres daily.
  • Cut down on alcohol consumption
  • Cut down on stress, have a hobby and get plenty of sleep.
  • Consider :
    • Aromatherapy
    • Pilates
    • Tai-Chi
    • Yoga
    • Acupuncture therapy
  • Encourage and support is essential. Please see a psychological expert if very severely affected emotionally.
  • Avoid high chemicals or over perfumed shower products and bubble baths.
  • Try not to scratch, keep nails short and in extreme cases wear mittens.
  • Vacuum carpets and bedding regularly
  • Use non-biological powders. Give clothes an extra rinse.
  • Wash bed clothes regularly.
  • A variety of bed sheets and mattress and garments e.g. gloves, vests) available for eczema
  • Use rubber gloves when dealing with detergents/chemicals.
  • Avoid harsh chemical washing up liquid and detergents
  • Especially in winter, try not to wear layers of clothing, this cause over heating.
  • Wear gloves in the winter to protect from the cold.
  • Apply creams straight after bathing, aids skin hydration.
  • Avoid woollen and nylon clothes; wear non-synthetic fibres or use cotton or silk next to skin.
  • Leave the window open at night to stay cool. Do not overheat the rooms.
  • Be aware of eczema flare-ups more inevitable in hay fever season i.e. March – July since hayfever and eczema are related.
  • Add a few drops of Aragon oil, as an emollient. It has high source of fatty acid and antioxidants to combat dry skin.
  • Witch hazel is not be advisable for certain skin conditions, such as rosacea and/or extreme dryness as it can be very drying, which could cause your skin to overproduce oil and worsen blemishes.
  • Use water based foundation, cover ups, moisturisers. Avoid greasy or oily cosmetic creams/ointments they are more likely to block pores.


  • Children can be vaccinated when using steroid treatments and emollients.(If one is using skin products containing pimecrolimus or tacrolimius,it is medication only available from your doctor to treat eczema then one should discuss with a medical doctor when one can be vaccinated)
  • Wear high (above 50 spf)  UVA/UVB protection sunscreens in spring/summer.
  • Emollients should be applied 30 minutes before applying sunscreens.
  • Emollients should be applied before entering swimming in pools as pools have agents that may irritate the skin.
  • Shower with emollients after a day on the beach to remove sand and salt.
  • See Food/Dust mite/Pet allergy allergy General tips

Skin tips

1. Lather up

Use a shower gel to remove dirt and grime to prevent your skin pores clogging up. The skin needs to have clearer pores so that oils form the skin can escape.
Please note- frequent showering or using soaps can cause dry skin and leaving the skin tight, try to use a product with a moistening agent that will hydrate the skin.

Eczema/dry skin/irritated skin/Psoriasis conditions:

2. Exfoliate

The top layer of the skin continues to renew itself and sheds dead cells, the dead cells need to be removed to prevent blocked pores and hence achieve a brighter, smother and softer skin. One should buff their skin a few times a week.
Products are available to gently remove and polish away dead skin.

Eczema/dry skin/Irritated skin/Psoriasis/Sunburnt skin or Damaged (wound skin) conditions:

  • Those with theses skin conditions should use very mild products as standard exfoliates as ‘normal’ and ‘ perfumed’ exfoliates can badly damage the skin and that can lead to a skin infection (avoid using exfoliate mitts, gloves and loof as on affected areas).

3. Moisturise

The skin is prone to get dry and dehydration especially the face as it has fewer oil glands.
Products contain humectants and occlusives which help soften and smooth the skin and used daily will help to improve the appearance of the skin and improve skin function.

Eczema/dry skin/irritated skin/Psoriasis skin conditions:

4. Hands

Hands are constantly exposed to skin damage and are often overlooked.
Products to be used should be SPF moisturisers to protect again sun damage, antioxidant creams to reduce free radical damage as well as lather, exfoliate and moisturises to maintain a young looking appearance.

Eczema/dry skin/irritated skin/Psoriasis skin conditions:

Natural treatments and tips (DR Axe)

Click on ‘DR Axe Co founder on ANCIENT NUTRITION’  to find out more about natural treatments, home remedies treatments and much more!

  • Simply type the symptom/condition in the search bar and read the informative treatments.
    (please note Medtick is not responsible for the information on external websites)