Teething - Medtick


  • When the first tooth arrives and/or as the baby’s teeth are coming through the gum can becomes sensitive, irritated, hot and swollen (inflamed) and the baby experiences pain.
  • Teething has been found to occur in an eight-day window in which the tooth emerges; four days before through to three days afterwards

Smith A. Teething and biting. September 2013.
Available at: http://www.breastfeedingbasics.com

(accessed October 2015).

  • The symptoms can vary from child to child and it normally starts from six months (can be early as 3 months) and continue till 3 years old (Usually the bottom front two teeth appear first, then the top front teeth and finally bottom and top side teeth either side).
  • By the 1st birthday child has around 8 teeth.

Generally, both primary and permanent teeth erupt in pairs, with the process starting with the lower primary central incisors erupting two or more weeks ahead of the upper primary central incisors. Primary teeth look smaller and are whiter than their permanent successors. For details of the timing of the eruption of primary teeth, see ‘Eruption and exfoliation of primary teeth’.

Eruption and exfoliation of primary teeth  
 Upper primary teeth  Eruption (months)
 Central incisor  8–12
 Lateral incisor  9–13
 Canine  16–22
 First molar  13–19
 Second molar  25–33
 Lower primary teeth  Eruption (months)
 Central incisor  6–10
 Lateral incisor  10–16
 Canine  17–23
 First molar  14–18
 Second molar  23–31

A child should start to lose their primary teeth between six and seven years of age. It is important to preserve and care for the primary teeth as they save a space for their permanent successors and, in the absence of any decay and subsequent infection, help to give the permanent teeth a healthy start. Primary teeth give a child a normal facial appearance, aid speech and enable the child to enjoy a varied, balanced diet.

The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, November 2015,
Vol 295, No 7883;295(7883):DOI:10.1211/


Does one have:

  • Is the baby in pain (crying)?
  • Baby have swollen tender gums?
  • Baby is drooling?
  • Is the baby showing excessive salivation and drooling and below mouth, on the skin (chin) it is irritated?
  • Baby/child have changes of pattern of sleep and/or appetite?
  • Baby have a tendency to chew objects?
  • Child have hot and red cheeks?
  • Baby clingy and/or irritable?
  • Baby have a mild fever?
  • Gum rubbing/biting/ sucking?
  • Baby is tired?
  • Baby has a bowel upset (change of faces consistency)?
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