Pneumocystis - Medtick


What is it?

A form of pneumonia that occurs mainly in person with a weak immune system condition caused by inhaling a parasite.

  • It occurs mainly in poor countries where one is people are under nourished.
    The speed in developing the symptoms can vary from a few weeks to days depending on the individual.

Diagnosis Tests



  • Parasite: Pneumocystis jiroveci
  • Inhaling the parasite


  • High temperature greater than 38°C (100°F) or over and/or chills and sweats longer than 72 hours?
  • Initially a persistent dry cough which has now become a chesty cough with yellow/green and/or blood stained phlegm?
  • Dry cough longer than three weeks and/or breathing difficulties?
  • Difficulty breathing, rapid and shallow, feel breathlessness even when resting?
  • Wheezing (high pitched, musical sound)?
  • Rapid heart beating?
  • Rib cage is pulled upwards and inwards?
  • Balance and dizziness problems?
  • General discomfort (muscle weakness), uneasiness or ill feeling (malaise) and/or fatigue (tiredness)?
  • Headache which is on and off or a constant headache longer than 24 hours?
  • Aching, painful muscles, muscle cramps/spasms/stiffness?
  • Joint pain or stiffness?
  • Joint pain or stiffness?
  • Reactive arthritis (have arthritis symptoms even if have infection elsewhere on body)?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

Medical Emergency Condition

Do not wait, phone for an ambulance if have or develop:

H.I.V test

  • A H.I.V test should be offered if one has this condition.

This condition may show similar symptoms to:

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Pneumocystis in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).