Molluscum Contagiosum - Medtick

Molluscum Contagiosum

What is it?

A highly infectious viral skin condition affecting especially:

  • Children 1-5 years old
  • One with a number of sexual partners
  • Patients with weak immune system condition
  • Patients with atopic eczema
  • Patients with allergies
The condition can last up to 18 months and clears up by itself, there is no treatment.
Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs can be used under medical supervision, however Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs is not recommended in asthma or asthma type symptoms. Check with your Medical doctor/Pharmacist when one can have any type of fever reducing medication to make sure it suitable for you.


  • Virus:
    • Molluscum contagiosum virus
  • Fungal:
    • Penicilliosis marneffei (common in H.I.V suffers)
  • Direct contact i.e.
    • Skin to skin contact
  • Indirect contact i.e.
    • Sharing towels, clothing and toys,
  • Sexual activity (not full sexual intercourse but close physical contact)


  • Spots (2-6mm in diameter), may have tiny grey heads, appear pearl looking, if squeezed pus comes out?
  • Small, firm raised (usually painless) spots in clusters?
  • Widely spread on body i.e. hands, arm, armpit, neck, face, chest and stomach, feet, eyelids and mouth if sexually active then in groin/genital area and inner thighs?
  • Slightly itchy?
  • Old lesions healing and new lesions forming?
  • Eczema (red, dry skin) patches forming?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

This condition can lead to:

General tips

  • Do not squeeze, shave spots, skin is then exposed and condition becomes highly contagious and spread to different parts of body and to others, cover with a dressing.
  • This condition can lead to skin infections.
  • Do not share towels and/or clothing.
  • Always wash your hands

This condition may show similar symptoms to:

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Molluscum Contagiosum in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).