Milia - Medtick


Harmless non- contagious, tiny white or yellow pearly bumps on the nose, cheek and chin and at times in roof of mouth (Epstein’s pearls) affects at least half of normal new-borns (premature babies may get them a couple of weeks later).

  • Some babies have a few, and others have many of them.
  • Appears in new borns and then disappear in a few weeks to two months.



  • Dead skin becomes trapped in tiny pockets near the surface of your baby’s skin.
  • When the surface of the bump wears away, the dead skin is sloughed off and the bump disappears.
  • Sometimes milia occurs later when one has a skin injury or other skin conditions
Any rash that has developed in new born or babies under one year old, should be investigated by your Medical Doctor. One can check ‘The Infection Service’ and/or ‘Rash Aftercare Service’ if they wish and not any other service.


Does one have:

  • Tiny white or yellow pearly bumps on the nose, cheek and chin?
  • Tiny white or yellow pearly bumps roof of mouth (Epstein’s pearls)?
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