Headlice - Medtick


Head lice also known as Pediculosis capitis are external human parasites which are grey/brown in colour that live on human heads and reproduce at a rapid rate causing intense itching, spots and spread rapidly.

  • Common areas include the scalp (top of head), hairline of the neck, behind the ears and neck.
  • Head lice are not from animals or spread from animal to animal.
  • Only humans get head lice.
  • They tend to spread from head to head contact (they can survive one or two days away from human hosts).
  • They don’t fly, jump or hop.
  • Head lice prefer living in clean hair than dirty hair and long hair.
  • Head lice cannot survive longer than 12 hours away from head, if head lice do leave the head they are very slow and weak to crawl.
  • Because head lice can survive away from the head, they can be transferred to others via hair blush , towels , clothes , toys , furniture and bed linen.
  • Low social class is not a factor.
  • People in crowded areas are more likely to catch the condition.

People should ask others to check their hair regularly for head lice as one can have delayed symptoms.

Head lice live up to 30 days and feed by sucking blood off the scalp four to five times daily.

They lay five to ten eggs each day known as nits (tiny white specs smaller than a pin head approximate size is 0.5mm) and roughly seven days later they hatch.

Head lice infestation rarely causes any physical problems except itching caused by the saliva head lice and is not known to cause infectious diseases, however itching can expose broken skin and lead to secondary bacterial infection.

The white egg shell is firmly attached to the hair and does not easily wash off and cannot be dislodged by normal brushing or combing.

Ten to fourteen days later they become nymphs (1-2mm long) which are white and smaller than lice.

They reach maturity roughly 2-4mm long and are ready to reproduce hence at a rapid rate.


Does one have:

  • ‘Live’ head lice which are grey/brown in colour (only treat if ‘live lice are found)?
  • Any black specs on collar or on bed sheets/clothing?
  • Any lice visible or snow white casing on hair particularly behind ears and neck?
  • Any tiny red spots on scalp?
  • Been scratching intensely on hair line and back of neck (itching can be present up to 3 months later, as body may have a delayed response to head lice saliva)?
  • Been in contact with others who have been infected?
  • Swollen lymph nodes/glands  behind ear and or neck (just below jaw line)?
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