Hayfever - Medtick


It is an allergy to pollen.

  • It is when one gets in contact with an allergen, in this case pollen from grass, trees, weeds and from spores released by fungi and moulds.
  • The body’s defence system, the immune system treats it like a threat and thinks it is under attack and produces a variety of chemicals (e.g. histamines) and it is these chemicals that cause the symptoms of hayfever (allergic reaction).
  • It normally occurs when the pollen count is greater than 50 hence the peak times are mainly June to July although it can generally start from May to September.
  • Some sufferers who are extremely sensitive can suffer all year round.
  • An allergy is said to be intermittent if one has it less than four days a week and/or less than four weeks.
  • An allergy is said to persistent if one has it greater than four days a week and/or greater than for weeks.

Pollen count

Pollen count is a good measure on how severe one symptoms will be on that day, it is normally measured in terms of ‘pollen count’.

The ‘pollen count’ is the number of grains per pollen in one cubic metre of air.

The pollen forecast is usually given as:

  • Low – less than 30g
  • Moderate – 30-49 grams
  • High- 50-149 grams
  • Very high – 150 grams or more


Generally when the pollen count is greater than 50 grams one tends to experience hayfever symptoms though this figure can vary on individuals.

Check pollen forecast


Does one have:

  • Headache?
  • Pain around temples and/or forehead?
  • Allergic conjunctivitis?
    • Eyes (lids) hot, red and swollen?
    • Eyes itchy, soreness, burning and feeling uncomfortable?
    • Whites of eye look inflamed, hot, red, and swollen?
    • Producing a watery discharge?
    • Both eyes infected?
  • Dry/gritty eyes?
  • Itchy throat/roof of mouth?
  • Is phlegm at the back of the throat (travelling from the nose) causing catarrh, sore throat, horse voice, cough, tiredness and fever (one may have some of these symptoms)?
  • Headache?
  • Frequent sneezing?
  • Itchy/runny nose?
  • Sinus discomfort?
  • Watery and itchy eyes with runny nose?
  • Groggy feeling?
  • Lack of smell/taste?
  • Blocked nose/congestion?
Sinusitis symptoms
  • High fever?
  • Pain radiating from jaw and mistaken for toothache?
  • Pain at worst when moving head forward/lying down/swimming/flying (facial pain or pressure)?
  • Pain at worst at morning and easier throughout day?
  • Tender sinuses and/or hurts when touched?
  • Chesty cough i.e. bring up phlegm or feel phlegm is stuck?


  • Dry cough i.e. no phlegm at all?


  • Post nasal drip- The feeling of mucus running down the back of the throat thats leads to swallowing and/or cough?
Timing of Symptoms
  • Symptoms occur more on sunny days (more pollen in the air), even more so when breezy?
  • Peak at mornings and evenings (pollen rises and settles at these times)?
  • Tiredness or feeling of fatigue and/or no energy?
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