Erythema Toxicum - Medtick

Erythema Toxicum

Common, non- contagious, and splotchy rash that affects at least half of new borns.

  • Appears usually first two to five days of birth (it can appear 10 days after birth) and disappear after two weeks to four months.

Please note:

  • Preterm infants are less commonly affected; however, they may develop erythema toxicum at a week of life.
  • It is also uncommon in infants whose weight is less than 5.5 pounds at birth.
  • The rash does not appear to be seen more often in any particular sex or race.


  • It usually shows no symptoms , if the new born is unwell please consult with a medical doctor.



  • Unknown
Any rash that has developed in new born or babies under one year old, should be investigated by your Medical Doctor. One can check The infection service an/or Rash aftercare service if they wish and not any other service.


Does one have:

  • Bumps may show up in one area and then quickly move to another area?
  • Small, yellow or white bumps ( 1–3 mm), surrounded by and/or on top of  red skin anywhere on baby’s body except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet?
  • Normally starts from face and spreads to rest of body?
  • Clustered in areas where there is pressure on the skin?
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