Swelling of skin like ‘large peas’ just below the skin surface.
Epidermoid cysts form when the top layer of skin (epidermis) grows into the middle layer of the skin (dermis).
The lesion may have no symptoms but can rupture of the epidermoid cyst can result in significant discomfort.
Most sebaceous type cysts and/or blocked glands calm down and disappear with in two weeks. If longer than two weeks , then please see your medical doctor for further investigation
Family history
Genetic disorders
Sebaceous gland (that produce natural oils in the skin) becomes obstructed or blocked in some way.
Inflamed (hot red and swollen) hair follicles/Blocked hair follicles.
Injury to the skin
Poor hair care
Source: Primary Care Dermatology Society
Source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Source: Toronto Dermatology Centre
Source: Best Online MD
Source: MyHealthyTips
Cyst appears as a dome-shaped, skin-colored growth that usually moves when touched and pressed upon?
Small opening in the center?
Smooth 1-2 centimetre swellings just below the skin surface?
Usually Isolated, occurs in one or two?
Run in family history?
Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:
Warm/hot compression over the abscess will help to drain it.
One can put cold products (not direct ice- change of temperature can make it worst and cause frostbite) to help and cool it down and reduce inflammation.
Over the counter pain medicine like an Paracetamol or ibuprofen (if suitable, ask your pharmacist)
Do not ever try to squeeze the lumps in an effort to pop them out.
Do not ever try to poke the lumps using a needle to drain it out by yourself.
Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice
Detailed Information
Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Epidermoid Cysts/Sebaceous Cysts in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).
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