Dercum’s disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) - Medtick

Dercum’s disease (Adiposis Dolorosa)

What is it?

A rare disorder that causes painful growths of fatty tissue called lipomas and normally affects torso, upper arms, or upper legs and is a condition that affects women more than men.


  • Unknown
  • Maybe body breaks down fat too fast
  • Maybe an autoimmune disease when the body immune system attacks the fat deposits in ones body.


  • Fat lumps on the upper torso, arms or legs that can be of the same size and/or range in size and/or can be painful when pressed?
  • Unknown lumps and swelling?
  • Weight gain?
  • Pain and or swelling and/or lumps come and goes at different times and/or affect different parts of the body?
  • Swelling in the hands?
  • General discomfort (muscle weakness), uneasiness or ill feeling (malaise) and/or fatigue (tiredness)?
  • Low mood and depression?
  • Difficult to concentrate/difficulty in concentrating/memory problems?
  • Bruise easily?
  • Joint pain and stiffness?
  • Morning body joint stiffness and/or stiffness when laying down?
  • Headache which is on and off or a constant headache longer than 24 hours?
  • Irritated, depressed, anxiety and/or panic attack?
  • Difficulty sleeping and/or lack of sleep?
  • Rapid heart rate?
  • Shortness of breath and/or breathing difficulties?
  • One find passing stools difficult (can be painful) and constipated?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

This condition may show similar symptoms:

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Dercum’s disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).