Cold and Flu - Medtick

Cold and Flu

  • Colds are caused by a viral infection.
  • It is believed there are over 200 viruses causing cold and flu symptoms, it also causes the weak immune system to weaken allowing bacterial infections to develop.


Examples of viruses:

  • Rhinoviruses
  • Coronaviruses
  • Adenoviruses
  • Myxoviruses
  • Echoviruses
  • Coxsackie A and B


Example of bacterial infection:

  • M.Pneomoniae
  • C.pneumonaiae
  • H. influenzae


  • All viruses have the ability to mutate/change and become slightly a different (modified) virus and still cause cold and flu symptoms.
    These symptoms occur because the body is trying to remove the virus through sweat and secretions i.e. fever, cough a runny nose and diarrhoea.
  • Colds and flu are very contagious; it can be breathed in by infected air droplets or by touching contaminated surfaces and touching eyes, nose, and mouth hence hygiene is very important to prevent virus’ spreading.
  • On average every adult can expect two colds a year.
  • On average every child can expect 10 colds a year before their immune system is strong enough.
  • Flu is a more severe version of a cold and is often mistaken for a cold. Only a small number of viruses cause flu, hence a flu vaccine can be developed.
  • With a cold there are over 200 versions and hence it is too many to develop a universal vaccine.
  • Flu vaccination should last up to a year. The flu virus changes and hence new flu vaccines must be developed every year to stop the viruses.
  • Antibiotics do not kill viruses. They have anti-bacterial properties and should only be considered if one has a bacterial infection.
  • Antivirals are not commonly prescribed due to its side effects and it should only be used to help with serious complications e.g. pneumonia.
  • Overuse of antibiotics and antivirals can develop resistance.
  • Plenty of water to keep one hydrated plus over the counter medicine will help to relieve symptoms.

Course of Flu

Symptoms Body
Day 1 Flu: High temperature

Cold: No symptoms

Virus has got past first line of defence the nose/throat. Virus is taking over our cells and is reproducing by using them.
Day 2 Flu: Temperature should be dropping, symptoms like cold (less severe)

Cold: Tickle or soreness to throat/nose and eyes (sometimes). The throat gets worse – a dry cough may start. Sneezing and nose runs. Feel tired and unwell.

Cells in nose are releasing chemicals against virus hence Symptoms of runny nose and congestion.

Cough is trying to remove virus.

Day 3 Flu/Cold: Discharge may turn to yellow and thick. Nose is stuffy and blocked/pain in forehead and around behind eyes. Slight fever, if infection one has a chesty cough. Catarrh is produced to remove virus by coughing and through nose. May become wheezy as you are congested.
Day 5-14 Symptoms are decreasing. May take couple of weeks to be back to normal and catarrh all gone. Virus is being killed.
  • Worst flu/cold symptoms: first 4 – 5 days
  • Complete recovery period: average 10 days


Does one have:

  • Mild fever and/or aches and pains?
  • Mild earache?
  • Congestion?
  • Runny nose (hence loss of taste/smell)?
  • Dry cough?
  • Chesty cough (when coughing up phlegm or feel fell phlegm in stuck in chest)?
  • Itchy/scratchy throat (often first symptom and clears in three days)?
  • Loss of appetite/ upset stomach/Watery diarrhoea?
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