Chesty Cough - Medtick

Chesty Cough

A cough is a defence mechanism. It is simply trying to remove anything that is unknown to the body.



  • An infection:
  1. Viral  (Parainfluenza viruses, Respiratory Syncytial virus, influenza
  2. Bacterial  (M pneumonaie, C. pneumonie)
  • An irritant
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Acid reflux conditions
  • Medication


  • An acute (short term) cough is described as a cough persisting less than three weeks and is usually self limiting and can be caused by infection and irritants.
  • A subacute cough is a described as a cough lasting between three and eight weeks and is normally caused by an infection (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis).It is important to monitor’ Refer to Dr symptoms’.
  • A chronic (long term) cough lasts normally more than eight weeks and is normally caused by irritants , allergies, smoking, respiratory conditions , acid reflux conditions. It is important to monitor’ Refer to Dr symptoms’.



Does one have:

  • Coughing up phlegm (even a little) or do you feel phlegm is stuck in chest?


  • Congestion with chesty cough?


  • Runny nose with chesty cough?


  • Runny nose and congestion with a chesty cough?


  • Is phlegm at the back of the throat (travelling from the nose) causing catarrh, sore throat, hoarse voice, cough, tiredness and fever (one may have some of these symptoms)?
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