Acne - Medtick


  • This skin condition occurs when your glands produce natural oil called sebum more than it normally should.
  • This is caused by a male hormone testosterone; as a result your dead skin is not shed properly and blocks the hair follicles causing acne.
  • A bacterium called propionibacterium acnes grows in the blocked follicles causing inflammation of the skin.
  • Over 80% of ages 12-30 years suffer from acne and over 90% of teenagers of ages 14-19 years old.
  • There is no cure, in time one hopes it will clear itself up.
  • For more detailed information:


Acne is also caused by:

  • Puberty
  • Hormonal changes i.e polycystic ovary syndrome, Pregnancy and immediately after delivery, Birth (in the case of newborn acne), Perimenopause and menopause, PMS acne (just before a female period).
  • Family history of acne in family
  • Heavy sweating
  • Heat and friction
  • Smoking
  • Cosmetics
  • Stress
  • Medication
Acne is not infectious

Acne is not caused by:

  • Poor diet : Foods like chocolate, potato chips, pizza, or fried foods
  • Poor hygiene : Not washing your face enough, or being “dirty”
  • Touching your face
  • Masturbation, having sex, or not having sex


Does one have:

Blackheads (Open comedones):

Tiny dark coloured pores. The black part of blackhead is the sebum mixed with oxygen not dirt; hence it can’t be removed by scrubs/washes.

Whiteheads (closed comedones):

They are hard bumps with a white centre and are very common in acne sufferers.


These are white pus filled spots which may turn yellow.


Painful hard lumps under the skin that are very deep in the skin and can result in scarring and are very common in severe acne.


Sore tender red bumps that are usually small.


Large pus-filled spots that can cause permanent scarring.

Mild Acne

Does one have:

  • Few blackheads (comedone) and/or whiteheads (small firm bumps with a white centre)?
  • Few pus filled spots (pustules) which can turn yellow?
  • Feel any or have a few hard lumps under the skin can be painful?
  • Inflamed skin?
  • Mild condition only on face (mild acne)?
Moderate Acne
  • (Moderate acne) if have more blackheads, whiteheads, papules,pustules, cyst and nodules on face than mild acne on the face and/or if spreaded on back and/or chest and/or buttocks and/or neck and/or  shoulders and/or behind ears?
Severe acne

One has lots of blackheads, whiteheads, papules,pustules, cyst and nodules on face and/or and/or behind ears and/or buttocks spreaded across back and/or chest and/or shoulders.

Regarding this condition, one will need to proceed further in the programme.

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