Hospital Conditions/Severe Warning Symptoms

Hospital Conditions/Severe Warning Symptoms

  • This section is regarding whether one should go to hospital or not, it should be used as a guide and does not substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional.
  • Check your symptoms by answering ‘yes or no approach’
  • Beware of CPR and when to use it
  • Check serious medical conditions that need to be referred to a hospital

Red Flag Symptoms

  • Red-flag symptoms can be general (e.g. weight loss or fatigue) or specific (e.g. coughing up blood) and act as an alert of potentially sinister pathology.
C. Ramanayake RPJ, K. Basnayake BMT. Evaluation of red flags minimizes missing serious diseases in primary care. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018;7:315.
  • Red flags are not diagnostic tests; their main role is that they raise suspicions of a severe underlying cause.
C. Ramanayake RPJ, K. Basnayake BMT. Evaluation of red flags minimizes missing serious diseases in primary care. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018;7:315.

Please note: Some video links are made in their own countries and may state the phone number  of the emergency services of their country, please contact the emergency services of your own country respectively if it is Medical Emergency
Select the options below to see whether you require hospital treatment.
men diagram front
Upper Body
men diagram front
Blurred Vision
Breathing Condition
High Pitched Voice
Chest Pain
Severe Fever
Cold Environment
Low Blood Sugar
Medication Overdose
Unconscious and not breathing
  • Do a primary survey
  • Check if surrounding area is safe
  • Check if patient is responding by shouting at them
  • Phone for an ambulance
  • Check breathing by tilting head backwards and look and feel for breaths (check if there are chest rises: adults 2 rises or child 4 rises or baby 6 rises per 10 seconds), if not:
  • Do CPR
  • Only stop CPR if one is tired, handing over to Medical healthcare professional upon their instruction or if there is sign of life
If not sure if breathing
  • Do a primary survey
  • Check if surrounding area is safe
  • Check if patient is responding by shouting at them
  • Phone for an ambulance.
  • Check breathing by tilting head backwards and look and feel for breaths.(check if there are chest rises: adults 2 rises or child 4 rises or baby 6 rises per 10 seconds), if not:
  • If still unsure do CPR .
  • Only stop CPR if one is tired, handing over to Medical healthcare professional upon their instruction or if there is sign of life.
  • If breathing : Support the head and neck and ask others or oneself to carefully Move (roll) the person on their side in to a recovery position (if a baby: recovery position) and tilt their head back to protect their airway
If vomiting within body
  • Do a primary survey
  • Check if surrounding area is safe
  • Check if patient is responding by shouting at them
  • Phone for an ambulance.
  • Support the head and neck and ask others or one to carefully move (roll) the person on their side in to a recovery position (if a baby: recovery position) and tilt their head back to protect their airway.
  • Check breathing by tilting head backwards and look and feel for breaths.(check if there are chest rises: adults 2 rises or child 4 rises or baby 6 rises per 10 seconds).
  • If stop breathing do CPR
  • Only stop CPR if one is tired, handing over to Medical healthcare professional upon their instruction or if there is sign of life
Unconscious and breathing
  • Do a primary survey
  • Check if surrounding area is safe
  • Check if patient is responding by shouting at them
  • Phone for an ambulance.
  • Support the head and neck and ask others or oneself to carefully Move (roll) the person on their side in to a recovery position (if a baby: recovery position)  and tilt their head back to protect their airway.
  • Check breathing by tilting head backwards and look and feel for breaths.(check if there are chest rises: adults 2 rises or child 4 rises or baby 6 rises per 10 seconds)
  • If stop breathing do CPR
  • Only stop CPR if one is tired, handing over to Medical healthcare professional upon their instruction or if there is sign of life
Pregnant : Unconscious and Breathing (Unique recovery position)
  • Do a primary survey
  • Check if surrounding area is safe
  • Check if patient is responding by shouting at them
  • Phone for an ambulance.
  • ‘The Resuscitation Council advises on collapse where the pregnant woman was unconscious but breathing, she should be placed in a left lateral tilt of 15 degrees to relieve compression of this artery and not in a full recovery position as you would with anyone else’



  • An unconscious casualty who is heavily pregnant you should attempt to roll them onto their left side in a semi recovery position (do not push them all the way to the left hand side).
  • This prevents the baby from compressing one of the main blood vessels in the abdomen.

  • Keep their legs apart (see if someone else can help) when moving patient to recovery position and place a pillow or jacket between their legs once in a semi recovery position.

NPA flu vaccination training 29/10/19 1pm.

  • Check breathing by tilting head backwards and look and feel for breaths.(check if there are chest rises: adults 2 rises per 10 seconds)
  • If stop breathing do CPR
  • Only stop CPR if one is tired, handing over to Medical healthcare professional upon their instruction or if there is sign of life
Fallen or suspect damage to their head and/or neck and/or spine and/or damaged/broken arm and/or hip and/or leg.
  • Ensure you are not in danger;
  • If the person responds to instructions, move them to a quiet, private area and (preferably) sit them on the floor. If they do not respond to instructions, do not attempt to move them;
  • Protect the person from harm. Look to remove nearby hazards that could hurt them. Guide the person, but never attempt to force or restrain them;
  • Supervise the person at all times. If possible, try to cushion their head;
  • Never put anything in the mouth of someone having a seizure;
  • Try to ensure the person’s dignity is maintained (they may lose bladder control);
  • Call an ambulance if the person has repeated seizures, if they injure themselves during a seizure, or if this is their first seizure;
  • If the person is known to have epilepsy, start timing the seizure. If the seizure lasts two minutes longer than normal (or five minutes if you do not know how long the seizure usually lasts), call an ambulance;
  • Once the seizure is over, do not attempt to ‘bring round’ the person by any method. If they are unconscious, place them in the recovery position;
  • Once the person is conscious, speak calmly and tell them what happened.
  • The person should not be given food or drink until they have recovered fully.

The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, 4/11 April 2015, Vol 294, No 7856/7;294(7856/7):


Conscious and breathing
  • Do a primary survey
  • Phone for an ambulance.
  • Support the head and keep them still, warm and dry.


  • Stroke

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Face:

    Has the face fallen one side, person may not be able to smile, mouth and eyes have dropped?

  • Arms or legs:

    Can one not raise both arms and/or legs and keep them there?

  • Speech:

    Does one have dizziness, drowsiness, slurred speech?

  • Any prolonged  or constant problems with balance and coordination?

  • Any sudden difficulty in swallowing?

  • Sudden severe headache with no cause?

  • Any numbness / weakness or no movement on any part of body?

  • Sudden loss of vision and/or sudden blurring vision to one or both eyes?

  • Head

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Excessive sleeping (drowsy, floppy, listless, not responding) or irritated (doesn’t like being handled)?

  • Bulging soft spot (fontanel) on their head?

  • Clumsy and/or uncoordinated movement?

  • Confused, low level of consciousness, feel like going to faint, dizziness  and/or drowsy whether occurred physically (injury) or not?

  • Fever with grunting?

  • High temperature greater than 38°C (100°F) or over and/or chills and sweats (under three months) and/or above 38.9 °C (3- 24 months) and/or 40.5 °C in any age and/or any high fever showing no interest in anything?

  • High Fever greater than five days or more and/or any additional symptom i.e rash and/or fever reducing medication has not worked at all)?

  • Severe abdominal pain and/or Frequent need to urinate and/or high fever of 38°C (100°F), feeling hot sweaty and clammy and/or Nausea and vomiting and/or Swollen scrotum and/or pain when urinating and/or Difficult to start or stop urination?

  • Behaviour change:

    Irritated and/or showing aggressive behaviour for no reason and/or seeing things which are not there?

  • Behaviour change (Delerium):

    Problem with attention (This could mean the person is inattentive and does not focus or that he or she can focus on tasks but at the expense of all else — failure to shift attention)?

    Disorganised thinking (such as not being able to remember things or being confused)?

    Altered level of consciousness (hyper-alertness and on edge, or sluggish, drowsy or withdrawn)?

    Change is sudden and/or does it fluctuate over hours or days?

  • Seizures?

  • Severe headache with vomiting/ and or severe/intense sudden’ thunderclap’ headache (feels like a sudden hit on the head causing pain unlike anything experienced before)?

  • Severe headache and/or balance and dizziness and/or spinning head and/or one has clear fluid from nose/ears/eyes is worst when standing up and eases when lying down?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Weakness of muscles controlling eye movement along with headache lasting a week or more?

  • Low Temperature (below 36 degree centigrade, check three times in a 10 minute period)?

  • More than six episodes of stools defecate per day and feeling tired or high fever and/or  Pulse >90 beats/min?

  • Face

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Cannot move some or any of the face muscles?

  • Facial swelling and unable to push forward their tongue out of their mouth?

  • Facial swelling and unable to swallow own saliva?

  • Facial swelling with breathing difficulty/severe cough?

  • Eyes

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • New or many Floaters (Spiders’ legs or cobwebs appearance and/or dots or lines) – tiny specks that float across one vision [or more Floaters -(Spiders’ legs or cobwebs appearance , dots or lines)]  appear suddenly in ones vision than usual?

  • Severe redness of eye reaching up to the pupil with eye pain and blurred vision whether occurred physically ( injury) or not?

  • Severe dislike too light and/or sensitive to light?

  • Blind spot in middle of eye?

  • Blood loss in eyes?

  • Blurred vision including central vision?

  • Double vision?

  • Flashing lights?

  • Lack of vision?

  • Misty or foggy vision?

  • Pain in eyes which gets worst when one focuses on an object and/or reading?

  • Pain in or behind eye, lack of vision or blurred vision and/or dislike to lights symptoms occur at time of a period (female)?

  • Pain in or behind eye?

  • See ‘rainbow like’ rings?

  • Sudden change of vision?

  • Visual distortions, straight lines appear wavy and/or New or many Floaters (Spiders’ legs or cobwebs appearance and/or dots or lines) – tiny specs that float across one vision [or more Floaters -( Spiders’ legs or cobwebs appearance , dots or lines)]  appear suddenly in ones vision than usual?

  • Weakness of muscles controlling eye movement along with headache lasting a week or more?

  • White spot on your cornea?

  • Blue, pale or blotchy skin around the eyes?

  • Yellow skin colour on skin and whites of eyes (jaundice) that can be itchy and/or  pain over liver area and/or may have urine darker than normal and/or may have stools appear pale?

  • Ears

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Swelling behind the ear due to the ear bone (mastoid bone) behind the ear that can cause it to stick out or to move forward and/or Redness, tenderness and pain behind the ear?

  • Heavy blood loss in ear (s) and/or if bleed is not stopping (if small drop of blood, then please see your medical doctor)?

  • Sudden hearing loss with no cause?

  • Nose

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heavy blood loss in nose or nose bleeds longer than  20 minutes or nose bleed causing dizziness?

  • Flaring nostrils and/or rapid and/or shallow breathing and/or sharp pulling inward of the muscles between the ribs when breathing and/or pauses in breathing that last for a few seconds (apnea) and/or grunting sound when breathing especially in babies and/or Newborn babies?

  • Mouth

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heavy blood loss in mouth?

  • Uvula (the tissue in the middle of mouth hole) has moved to the side or this has swollen?

  • Breathing difficulties and/or shortness of breath and/or rasping sound with a change of voice pitch, high pitched breathing sound and/or hoarseness of voice when breathing in and/or breathing out?

  • Persistent hiccups that does not stop?


  • Rapid breathing (more than 25 breaths a minute)?

  • More than six mouth ulcers at a time and/or any number of ulcers appearing with other hospital warning symptoms?

  • Blue, pale or blotchy tinge on skin, lips skin or gum or tongue?

  • Oral mouth bleeding longer than 20 minutes and/or if feeling dizzy?

  • Speech difficulties and/or leaning forward and drooling (cannot swallow their own saliva) and/or  Severe difficulty to swallow (to the point cannot swallow water) and/or foam in mouth (death rattle)?

  • Unable to push forward their tongue out of their mouth?

  • Vomit contains blood, resembles coffee grounds and/or is green?

  • Repeated episodes of retching and vomiting are followed by a sudden onset of severe chest pain in the lower thorax and the upper abdomen?

  • ‘Hot potato’ voice (voice sounds like hot potato in their mouth)?

  • Baby under two years:

    Crying a lot, moaning or high-pitched crying?

  • Can one smell like rotten eggs (ammonia) one’s breath?

  • Sweet almond breath?

  • Neck

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Pain travels to neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrist or between shoulder blades, back or to abdomen?

  • Stiff neck (not due to sleeping awkwardly)?

  • Distended neck veins with breathing difficulties and/or chest pain?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Severe cut to your face (urgent treatment required in preventing scarring)?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Cut on the palm of one’s hand and it looks infected?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • Blood loss around nails?

  • ‘Blue skin’ around finger under the nails and toes?

  • Burnt-looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)? join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?


  • Heart Attack

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Short of breath and/or cough that is continuous?

  • Severe sweating from no physical cause?

  • Mild central chest pain (Please note some do not experience pain)?

  • Pain travels to neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrist or between shoulder blades, back or to abdomen?

  • Pain not going away by changing position or resting and/or pain may be constant or coming and going?

  • Clammy?

  • Nausea and vomiting with any heart attack symptoms?

  • Restlessness?

  • Dizziness?

  • Not well feeling and/or feeling unusual?

  • Pale and/or grey complexion?

  • Angina

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Tight, dull, heavy, pain and discomfort chest and/or stomach discomfort?

  • Pain spread to left arm, neck, jaw and back and/or breathless occur after physical, emotional activity, exposed to cold weather or eating a meal?

  • Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, belching (burping) and restlessness?

  • Pain not easing by changing position or at rest and/or symptoms occurring at rest?

  • Muscles

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Neck stiffness (not due to being in an awkward position for a long time)?

  • Jerked movements (uncontrolled movements)?

  • Severe muscle spasms?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Severe muscle weakness (can’t use arms or climb stairs or can’t get up from a seated position?

  • Numbness (no feeling on parts of body)?

  • Can’t move muscles/limbs (paralysis)?

  • Shaking (can’t control movement)?

  • Severe neck pain or arm pain (moving down to arm and/or hand), severe cramping with/or after exercise?

  • Severe neck pain even at rest?

  • Radiating pain or numbness in arm?

  • Severe neck pain with abdominal pain?

  • Severe neck pain with chest pain?

  • Ligament/broken bone/severe sprain/severe strain

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heard a snap and/or a grinding/crackling noise under the skin during the injury or after the injury (broken bone bits rubbing together)?

  • Severe swelling and/or bruising after injury and/or twisting and/or sprain and/or strain?

  • Painful to move it, touch it, can’t bear weight on or press on it?

  • The injured part looks deform?

  • Bone deformity, bone sticking out of skin and/or hard lump under the skin?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?

  • One has been shot by a gun and/or pistol?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure (if deep cut in neck, do not wait)?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Cut on the palm of one’s hand and it looks infected?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Blood vessels that expand or bulges (not like varicose veins) but much more defined and larger?

  • A pulsating lump that can be felt?

  • Black or dark green bruised skin on lump and surrounding area?


  • Ligament/broken bone/severe sprain/severe strain

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heard a snap and/or a grinding/crackling noise under the skin during the injury or after the injury (broken bone bits rubbing together)?

  • Severe swelling and/or bruising after injury and/or twisting and/or sprain and/or strain?

  • Painful to move it, touch it, can’t bear weight on or press on it?

  • The injured part looks deform?

  • Bone deformity, bone sticking out of skin and/or hard lump under the skin?

Upper Body

  • Heart Attack

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Short of breath and/or cough that is continuous?

  • Severe sweating from no physical cause?

  • Mild central chest pain (Please note some do not experience pain)?

  • Pain travels to neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrist or between shoulder blades, back or to abdomen?

  • Pain not going away by changing position or resting and/or pain may be constant or coming and going?

  • Clammy?

  • Nausea and vomiting with any heart attack symptoms?

  • Restlessness?

  • Dizziness?

  • Not well feeling and/or feeling unusual?

  • Pale and/or grey complexion?

  • Angina

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Tight, dull, heavy, pain and discomfort chest and/or stomach discomfort?

  • Pain spread to left arm, neck, jaw and back and/or breathless occur after physical, emotional activity, exposed to cold weather or eating a meal?

  • Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, belching (burping) and restlessness?

  • Pain not easing by changing position or at rest and/or symptoms occurring at rest?

  • Chest

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Blood loss from nipples?

  • Breathe fast and/or uncontrolled breathing and/or shallow breathing initially and then Longer deeper breaths than usual and/or Slow breathing/panic breathing/breathing loudly and/or exaggerated sighing (Kussmaul breathing) ?

  • Breathing difficulty and/or short of breath?

  • Cough up a lot of blood?

  • Difficulty breathing, rapid and shallow and/or wheezing (like a musical sound), feel breathlessness even when resting and/or the rib cage is pulled upwards and inwards?

  • Rapid heartbeat?

  • Rapid shallow breathing?

  • Low oxygen levels if one is having difficulty breathing (check via oxygen level meter)?

  • Symptoms of breathlessness/short of breath and/or rapid heart beat , blood loss from other parts of body  (not vagina) occur at time of period (female)?

  • Rapid and/or shallow breathing and/or sharp pulling inward of the muscles between the ribs when breathing and/or pauses in breathing that last for a few seconds (apnea) and/or flaring nostrils and/or grunting sound when breathing especially in babies and/or Newborn babies?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Blood loss around nails?

  • ‘Blue skin’ around finger nails and toes?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?


  • Stroke

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Face:

    Has the face fallen one side, person may not be able to smile, mouth and eyes have dropped?

  • Speech:

    Does one have dizziness, drowsiness, slurred speech?

  • Arms or legs:

    Can one not raise both arms and/or legs and keep them there?

  • Any prolonged  or constant problems with balance and coordination?

  • Any sudden difficulty in swallowing?

  • Sudden severe headache with no cause?

  • Any numbness / weakness or no movement on any part of body?

  • Sudden loss of vision and/or sudden blurring vision to one or both eyes?

  • Heart Attack

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Short of breath and/or cough that is continuous?

  • Severe sweating from no physical cause?

  • Mild central chest pain (Please note some do not experience pain)?

  • Pain travels to neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrist or between shoulder blades, back or to abdomen?

  • Pain not going away by changing position or resting and/or pain may be constant or coming and going?

  • Clammy?

  • Nausea and vomiting with any heart attack symptoms?

  • Restlessness?

  • Dizziness?

  • Not well feeling and/or feeling unusual?

  • Pale and/or grey complexion?

  • Angina

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Tight, dull, heavy, pain and discomfort chest and/or stomach discomfort?

  • Pain spread to left arm, neck, jaw and back and/or breathless occur after physical, emotional activity, exposed to cold weather or eating a meal?

  • Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, belching (burping) and restlessness?

  • Pain not easing by changing position or at rest and/or symptoms occurring at rest?

  • Severe Swelling

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Muscles

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Neck stiffness (not due to being in an awkward position for a long time)?

  • Jerked movements (uncontrolled movements)?

  • Severe muscle spasms?

  • Severe intense muscle pain that doesn’t improve after keeping the injured area elevated or taking medication (no relief whatsoever)  and/or ones arm or leg  may feel worse when you stretch it or use the injured muscle and/or feeling of tightness in the muscle and/or tingling or burning sensation in the skin around the affected area (seems much worse than would normally be expected for the injury)?

  • Severe muscle weakness (can’t use arms or climb stairs or can’t get up from a seated position?

  • Numbness (no feeling on parts of body)?

  • Can’t move muscles/limbs (paralysis)?

  • Shaking (can’t control movement)?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Severe arm pain even at rest?

  • Radiating pain or numbness in arm?

  • Severe shoulder pain with abdominal pain?

  • Severe shoulder pain with chest pain?

  • Ligament/broken bone/severe sprain/severe strain

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heard a snap and/or a grinding/crackling noise under the skin during the injury or after the injury (broken bone bits rubbing together)?

  • Severe swelling and/or bruising after injury and/or twisting and/or sprain and/or strain?

  • Painful to move it, touch it, can’t bear weight on or press on it?

  • The injured part looks deform?

  • Bone deformity, bone sticking out of skin and/or hard lump under the skin?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • ‘Blue skin’ around finger under the nails and toes?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • Burns and blisters: Larger than the size of one’s hand, on the face, hands and/or feet and/or a deep burn?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Cut on the palm of one’s hand and it looks infected?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Blood vessels that expand or bulges (not like varicose veins) but much more defined and larger (common areas include: inside arm,behind elbow)?

  • A pulsating lump that can be felt?

  • Painful sores or ulcerations involving fingers?

  • Black or dark green bruised skin on lump and surrounding area?


  • Angina

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Tight, dull, heavy, pain and discomfort chest and/or stomach discomfort?

  • Pain spread to left arm, neck, jaw and back and/or breathless occur after physical, emotional activity, exposed to cold weather or eating a meal?

  • Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, belching (burping) and restlessness?

  • Pain not easing by changing position or at rest and/or symptoms occurring at rest?

  • Abdomen

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Huge and/or  increased in swelling over stomach area (not due to have eaten food or wind) and/or feel a pulsating sensation in abdomen or stomach area?

  • Severe abdominal pain with severe swelling over abdomen area with fever, dizziness and/or nausea and vomiting?

  • Severe abdominal pain and/or Frequent need to urinate and/or high fever of 38°C (100°F), feeling hot sweaty and clammy and/or Nausea and vomiting and/or Swollen scrotum and/or pain when urinating and/or Difficult to start or stop urination?

  • Severe pain on one side of abdomen and/or shoulder pain and/or mucus discharge in rectum and pain when passing urine/stool?

  • Severe abdominal pain and/or swelling in Kidney area (pain will be intense and moving to back area)?

  • Severe vomiting (beware of dehydration especially if  vomited more than three times daily)and/or diarrhoea (beware of dehydration especially if had diarrhoea more than six times daily) leading to dehydration?

  • Repeated episodes of retching and vomiting are followed by a sudden onset of severe chest pain in the lower thorax and the upper abdomen?

  • Poor blood to flow to the penis (penis tip will be purple in colour) (males)?

  • Sudden and intense severe  pain at upper right abdomen moving towards the shoulder or Pain in the centre of abdomen below breast bone and above belly button?

  • Sudden and intense severe  pain in centre of stomach and/or vomit contains blood, resembles coffee grounds or is green?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • More than six episodes of stools defecate per day and feeling tired or high fever and/or  Pulse >90 beats/min?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Cut on the palm of one’s hand and it looks infected?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Blood loss around nails?

  • ‘Blue skin’ around finger nails and toes?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?


  • Stroke

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Face:

    Has the face fallen one side, person may not be able to smile, mouth and eyes have dropped?

  • Speech:

    Does one have dizziness, drowsiness, slurred speech?

  • Arms or legs:

    Can one not raise both arms and/or legs and keep them there?

  • Any prolonged  or constant problems with balance and coordination?

  • Any sudden difficulty in swallowing?

  • Sudden severe headache with no cause?

  • Any numbness / weakness or no movement on any part of body?

  • Sudden loss of vision and/or sudden blurring vision to one or both eyes?

  • Severe Swelling

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Muscles

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Pain, heavy ache and swelling in at the back of the leg below the knee (normally calf region)?

  • Veins near surface or appear larger than normal at the back of the leg below the knee (normally calf region)?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Severe intense muscle pain that doesn’t improve after keeping the injured area elevated or taking medication (no relief whatsoever)  and/or ones arm or leg  may feel worse when you stretch it or use the injured muscle and/or feeling of tightness in the muscle and/or tingling or burning sensation in the skin around the affected area (seems much worse than would normally be expected for the injury)?

  • Leg pain at rest?

  • Radiating pain or numbness in leg?

  • Jerked movements (uncontrolled movements)?

  • Severe muscle spasms?

  • Severe muscle weakness (can’t use arms or climb stairs or can’t get up from a seated position?

  • Numbness (no feeling on parts of body)?

  • Can’t move muscles/limbs (paralysis)?

  • Shaking (can’t control movement)?

  • Ligament/broken bone/severe sprain/severe strain

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heard a snap and/or a grinding/crackling noise under the skin during the injury or after the injury (broken bone bits rubbing together)?

  • Swelling, severe bruising, or tenderness around the injured part?

  • Painful to move it, touch it,  can’t bear weight on or press on it?

  • The injured part looks deformed?

  • Bone deformity, bone sticking out of skin and/or hard lump under the skin?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Skin feeling hot, red and warm at back of leg below the knee (normally calf region)?

  • A pulsating lump that can be felt on calf region and/or behind the knee?

  • Blood vessels that expand or bulges (not like varicose veins) but much more defined and larger (common area include back of the lower thigh or back of knee)?

  • Painful sores or ulcerations involving toes or fingers?

  • Black or dark green bruised skin on lump and surrounding area?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • ‘Blue skin’ around finger under the nails and toes?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • Burns and blisters: Larger than the size of one’s hand, on the face, hands and/or feet and/or a deep burn?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?


  • Genitals

  • Check if one is pregnant:

    Severe pain on one side of abdomen and/or shoulder pain and/or severe pain when passing urine and/or blood loss?

  • Heavy blood loss in genitals?

  • Numbness in groin?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Severe abdominal pain and/or Frequent need to urinate and/or high fever of 38°C (100°F), feeling hot sweaty and clammy and/or Nausea and vomiting and/or Swollen scrotum and/or pain when urinating and/or Difficult to start or stop urination?

  • Passing no urine (not urinated/wet nappy for longer than 12 hours)?

  • Poor blood to flow to the penis (penis tip will be purple- blood in colour) and/or skin infection of penis and/or injury to penis (popping, cracking, or snapping sound with immediate floppiness)?

  • A cut on one’s genitals?

  • Burns and blisters: Larger than the size of one’s hand and/or genitals and/or a deep burn?

  • Hear a ‘pop sound’ of the penis  and/or swelling of penis and/or deformed appearance of penis and or an ‘unusual looking’  penis from before (penile fracture)?


  • Heart Attack

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Short of breath and/or cough that is continuous?

  • Severe sweating from no physical cause?

  • Mild central chest pain (Please note some do not experience pain)?

  • Pain travels to neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrist or between shoulder blades, back or to abdomen?

  • Pain not going away by changing position or resting and/or pain may be constant or coming and going?

  • Clammy?

  • Nausea and vomiting with any heart attack symptoms?

  • Restlessness?

  • Dizziness?

  • Not well feeling and/or feeling unusual?

  • Pale and/or grey complexion?

  • Angina

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Tight, dull, heavy, pain and discomfort chest and/or stomach discomfort?

  • Pain spread to left arm, neck, jaw and back and/or breathless occur after physical, emotional activity, exposed to cold weather or eating a meal?

  • Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, belching (burping) and restlessness?

  • Pain not easing by changing position or at rest and/or symptoms occurring at rest?

  • Back Pain

  • Sharp chest pain that gets worse when coughing or taking a deep breath and may radiate to the shoulder, arm, or back (heart attack)?

  • Severe sudden pain or a constant ache in centre of abdomen which the ache travels from abdomen to back?

  • Loss of bowel and/or bladder control?

  • Shock-like pains through the arms or legs, which can be made worse by bending forward?

  • Pain that is severe when there is direct manipulation and/or compression (i.e. it is massaged) to the affected area of the spine?

  • Stiff back (particular at mornings and/or night) on a regular basis or symptoms are not easing or getting worst after half an hour of rest?

  • Extremely aching and/or painful muscle pain and/or muscles which are throbbing/cramps/spasms/stiffness and/or severe tiredness and/or bruising of unknown cause and confusion and fever with sweats and shivers and/or irregular heartbeat and/or lack of urination and/or dark brown urine?

  • Numbness in groin?

  • Loses the sense of touch, vibrations and/or position in three dimensions below the level of the injury (hemiparesis or asymmetric paresis)?

  • Sensory loss is particularly strong on the same side (ipsilateral) as the injury to the spine?

  • Difficulty using arms, body and legs, lack of stamina and/or walking difficulties?

  • Skin

Does one have the following symptoms?

  • Heavy bruising without injury?

  • Blue around finger nails and toes?

  • Severe cold extremities (cold hands and feet) to the point go numb and painful and change of skin colour?

  • Series of white and/or brown pustules (big spots) surrounded by inflamed skin which can develop in a few hours and/or white and/or brown  pustules (big spots)  join up and create lakes of pus?

  • Burnt -looking rash (can be widespread) with intense itching, heat, blistering and skin peeling?

  • Dark marks that later have dark fluid-filled blisters?

  • Severe painful skin with swelling?

  • Wound becomes darker and black?

  • One has had a puncture wound (knife, blade, sharp object)?

  • One has been shot by a gun and/or pistol?

  • The wound is very large or the injury has caused a lot of tissue damage and/or fat /muscle or bone is visible due to burn and/or wound?

  • Burns and blisters: Larger than the size of one’s hand, on the face, hands and/or feet and/or a deep burn?

  • One has a cut that can’t stop the bleeding longer than 15 min after apply pressure?

  • One has a cut, burn and/or blister and has balance and dizziness problems?

  • Cut is long and/or deep and does not close upon body movement?

  • Anything deep embedded in the skin?

  • Bleeding from an artery – blood from an artery comes out in spurts with each beat of the heart, and is bright red and usually hard to control?

  • One experience persistent or significant loss of sensation near the wound or one is having trouble moving any body parts?

  • Possibility a foreign body is still inside the wound (i.e glass)?

  • Blood vessels that expand or bulges (not like varicose veins) but much more defined and larger (common areas include: inside arm,behind elbow)?

  • A pulsating lump that can be felt?

  • Black or dark green bruised skin on lump and surrounding area?


  • Anus Pain

  • Severe pain on one side of abdomen and/or mucus discharge in rectum and pain when passing stool?

  • Heavy blood loss in anus?

  • Any blood loss mixed in stools/faeces which is black and tarry or resembles coffee ground and/or causing breathing problems, tiredness, dizziness and/or confusion?

  • More than six episodes of stools defecate per day and feeling tired or high fever and/or  Pulse >90 beats/min?


  • Skin

LOOK OUT FOR EITHER AND/OR: 1)Sudden bruising of no known cause 2)Sudden blistering of rash with severe fever with chills and/or sweats and severe muscle aches/stiffness and pains 3) Streaky rash and/or spots which is purple in colour 4)Rash that does not disappear when pressing a glass against it 5)Black skin with or without fever/sickness


  • Head

(Severe headache all of a sudden, confusion and drowsiness , severe change in emotion: aggressive and/or suicidal thoughts)- SEE FEVERS DISEASE ASWELL

  • Severe High Blood pressure/Low Blood Pressure Readings (Hospital)?

Blurred Vision (Eyes)

  • Blurred Vision

  • Severe High Blood pressure and/or Low Blood Pressure Readings (Hospital)?

Breathing Conditions (Chest)

  • Breathing Conditions

(Short of breath, can't make a sentence and/or severe wheezing which is not easing)

  • Severe  High and/or Low blood pressure?

High Pitched Voice (Throat)

  • High Pitched Voice

  • Inhaled anything foreign body in the upper airways?

Chest Pain

  • Chest

(Severe chest pain can be confused with heartburn)

  • Severe  High and/or Low blood pressure?

  • Inhaled foreign body in the upper airways?

Stomach / Abdominal Conditions

  • Abdomen

  • Abdominal distension (check if have swelling over abdomen, beware of fever, nausea and vomiting , constipation , peritonitis , sepsis)

Shoulder and/or Arm Numbness

  • Shoulder and/or Arm Numbness

Leg Numbness

  • Legs

Back Pain

  • Back Pain


  • Anus Pain


  • Genitals


  • Pregnancy

(Please note any severe abdominal pain and/or any unusual vaginal bleed must be investigated urgently)

  • Miscarriage symptoms

Hot weather and/ Severe fever (not going down) and/or Severe sweating

  • Hot weather and/ Severe fever (not going down) and/or Severe sweating

Cold and wet weather/Cold water exposure

  • Cold and wet weather/Cold water exposure

Low blood sugar

  • Low blood sugar

Medication overdose

  • Medication overdose