Gingivitis (Bleeding gums) - Medtick

Gingivitis (Bleeding gums)

It is the hot, red and swelling (inflammation) of the tissue gum that supports the teeth to the jaw.

Tooth bleeding after extraction or tooth fallen out:

  • Sit the patient upright
  • Advice the patient to place a clean rolled up cotton handkerchief or gauze directly over the extraction socket
  • Ask the patient to bite down firmly for 20 minutes- if there is no opposing tooth to bite onto, use firm finger pressure
  • After 20 minutes remove the pressure and check if bleeding has stopped (if not refer to dentist)
  • If bleeding uncontrolled or if feel dizzy seek urgent medical help

If bleeding stopped:

  • No spitting or rinsing the mouth for 24 hours
  • No vigorous exercise or hot drinks/hot foods for 24 hours
  • No smoking
  • No alcohol
  • One can brush their teeth , but do not place toothbrush over extraction site
  • After 24 hours rinse with salty water
  • Follow previous advice above if bleeding starts again and visit dentist
  • If bleeding uncontrolled or if feel dizzy seek urgent medical help



Does one have:

  • An altered taste?
  • Sore, hot, red, swollen gums?
  • Bad breath?
  • Excess brushing more than twice a day?
  • Excess flossing more than once a day?
  • An extremely hard toothbrush or head shape is uncomfortable?
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