Sunburn - Medtick


This chapter is regarding for those who have sunburn or new moles have appeared.

  • It is due to prolonged exposure to the sun, sun reflection of surfaces i.e. snow, tanning beds and phototherapy lamps which produce ultraviolet UV rays.
  • People who are particularly vulnerable are those who get dehydrated or who have sensitive skin.
  • Sunburn is caused by ultraviolet UV rays.


  • There are two types of UV rays in the form of UVA and UVB.
  • The suns, reflection of surfaces i.e. snow, tanning beds and phototherapy lamps ultraviolet rays produces radiation in form of UVA and UVB.
  • UVA radiation can cause skin ageing, skin reactions when medicines and products are applied to the skin.
  • UVB can cause sunburn and skin cancer if exposed.


Does one have:

  • Skin hot, red, swollen (inflamed) and sensitive to touch?
  • Skin appears flushed (especially face) and red (blood form one’s body is being diverted to skin surface to remove heat)?
  • Long in the sun?
  • Got sorer after three-five hours of exposure and is peaking at 12-24 hours after exposure?
  • Skin peel or flake off after four to seven days after exposure?
  • Feel slightly dizzy?
  • Odd episode of feeling nausea and vomiting?
  • Muscle or stomach cramps?
  • Pale skin (one has less skin pigment call melanin, which absorbs UV rays)?
  • Swollen ankles (exposed to hot temperatures), getting worst through the day?
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