Registration Page

Medical doctor (if applicable):

Pharmacy email (if applicable):

This is for our Identification purposes

You must be 18 years or over to use this website.

(If one is under 18 years old, please ask an adult to take responsibility for you, and they can register and put your name on ‘the behalf of’ field.)

(If you are a carer or have children (under 18 years old) or who have no access to their emails , please enter their name here)

By clicking 'Become a member' or 'Become a non member', you accept our Terms and Conditions. Find out more about our Privacy Policy.

Become a member?

For £5 a month: One can check as many medical conditions, medications related to those conditions, ‘refer to doctor symptoms’ and ‘exposure to infections’ sections as you wish! For £10 for 10 credits related to ‘Aftercare Services- where one can purchase various aftercare services for a different value of credits. One will tend to only these services use once in a while. These credits will have a ‘one off payment’ at a lower rate than those of a ‘non-membership level’.

Non – members:

For £5, you can check only ONCE (pay as you go) ones medical conditions, medications related to that condition ‘refer to doctor’ symptoms and ‘exposure to infections’ sections. For £15 for 10 credits related to ‘Aftercare Services- where one can purchase various aftercare services for a different value of credits. One will tend to only these services use once in a while. These credits will have a ‘one off payment’ at a higher rate than those of an ‘annual/yearly membership level’.

Once the registration page is complete, we will send you an email for email and password confirmation (please check your spam/Junk just in case!)