Terms and Conditions

Medical Statement

  • We are not providing any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content provided in the guide in for informational purposes only and is intended to assist pharmacists and medical doctors/physicians  and other fellow medical professionals for minor ailment conditions, infections and other medical conditions.
  • The purpose of this website is too collect information by the user (who take sole responsibility in providing the information, we do not force you in any way to provide the information, it is at your own risk) to provide to the medical health professional who is responsible for your health. No diagnosis will be given by this programme. Any results of any value or information gathered in this programme does not constitute to a diagnosis and/or treatment and/or medical diagnosis and or medical treatment. Only a Medically trained health professional can provide such information and treatment.
  • In no event should this guide be used by a pharmacist or medical doctor or fellow medical professionals to be used as substitute for their own professional judgement based on customers circumstances. Certain reference has been made to third-party information but has not been verified or validated by Medtick ltd
  • Medtick ltd does not recommend or endorse any third-party information and use of any information in this programme is solely at your own risk.
  • Always let a medical professional be responsible for you, let them know what medical condition one has had or any medication one is currently taking or recently taken.


Terms and Conditions


We will make it clear:


  • “Website Owner” (or “we” or “us” or “our or Medtick ltd”) provides the information contained on this website or any of the pages comprising the website (“website”) to visitors (“visitors”) persons (“person(s)”) (cumulatively referred to as “you” or “your” hereinafter) subject to the terms and conditions set out in these website terms and conditions, the privacy policy and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices which may be applicable to a specific section and/or module of this website.

Disclaimer of Liability/External Links

  • The Website Owner makes no warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the website, the information contained on the website, you or your company’s personal information or material and information transmitted over our system.
  • The Website Owner and its directors, shareholders and associated persons shall not be responsible for and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party (including your company), as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your access and use of the website, any information contained on the website, you or your company’s personal information or material and information transmitted over our system. In particular, neither the Website Owner nor any third party or data or content provider shall be liable in any way to you or to any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever arising from any delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of any share price information or the transmission thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon or occasioned thereby or by reason of non-performance or interruption, or termination thereof.
  • The Website Owner does not make any warranty or representation that information on the website is appropriate for use in any jurisdiction.
  • By accessing the website, you warrant and represent to the Website Owner that you are legally entitled to do so and to make use of information made available via the website.
  • Whilst every effort has been made to update the information contained in this website, neither the website owner or any third party involved with this program or content provider can make any representation or warranties or held liable, whether express, implied in law or residual as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, research information, data and/or contents contained in this program (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by a third party or data or content providers) and shall not be bound in any manner by any information in this program.
  • The website owner reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or products, services of this program.
  • You relying on the information in this program are at your own risk.
  • If any errors on this website have occurred please let us know.

Trade Marks

  • The trade marks, names, logos and service marks (collectively “trade marks”) displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trade marks of the Website Owner. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any trade mark without the prior written permission of the Website Owner.

External Links

  • External links are provided for your convenience and information and is beyond the control of the website owner and no representation is made to their content. Use or reliance and contents contained on any external links are at your own risk. When visiting external links you must refer to the terms and conditions for that external link.
  • No external links or hypertext links or anything similar of any sort can be created from any website or program controlled by you or otherwise without the express prior written permission of the program owner.
  • The website owner is not responsible for any material submitted to the public areas submitted by you of any sort including bullet boards, hosted pages, chat rooms or any public area found in this program. Any material submitted by you or any other user is not endorsed, reviewed or approved by the website owner.

Public Forums and User Submissions

  • The website owner reserves the right to remove any material submitted or posted by you in the public areas without notice to you, if it becomes aware and determines, in its sole and absolute discretion that you are or there is a likelihood that you may, including but not limited to-
  • A) Defame abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of other users or third parties.
  • B) Publish post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, obscene, incident or unlawful material or information.
  • C) Post or upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programmers that may damage the operation of the Website Owner’s and/or a third party’s computer system and/or network;
  • D)Violate any copyright, trade mark, other applicable Great Britain or international laws or intellectual property rights of the Website Owner or any other third party;
  • E)Submit contents containing marketing or promotional material which is intended to solicit business.

Specific Use

  • This Site is for personal and non-commercial use. You must not use any materials contained in the site except to the extent necessary for your own personal use.
  • In using the Site and information available from the Site, you agree that you will not:

(a) Post, disseminate or transmit unauthorised advertisements or promotional materials, chain letters, junk mail or any other type of unsolicited mass email to people or entities who have not agreed to be part of such mailings.

(b) Omit, delete, forge or misrepresent transmission information, including headers, return mailing and Internet protocol addresses or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any content.

(c) Impersonate any person or entity, or fail to state or otherwise misrepresent an affiliation with any person or entity.

(d) Engage in any activities in order to withhold or cloak identity or contact information.

(e) Send harassing and/or threatening messages to others.

(f) Engage in “flooding” – i.e flooding and mail bombing (sending large amounts of email repeatedly to the same email address).

(g) Use the information available on the Site for any illegal, immoral or anti-social purpose, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations or in a manner which is or may be damaging to Our name or reputation.

(h) Publish or download web pages or content, images, descriptions or text.

(i) Electronically stalk or otherwise electronically harass another.

(j) Engage in any Internet activities that would violate the personal privacy rights of others, including but not limited to, collecting and distributing information about Internet users without their permission.

(k) Engage in any activities with relation to reverse engineering of the website, including data structures, descriptions, images or any other material contained on the site.

  • You further agree not to use the website to send or post any message or material that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, indecent, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, sexually orientated, racially offensive, profane, pornographic or violates any applicable law and you hereby indemnify the Website Owner against any loss, liability, damage or expense of whatever nature which the Website Owner or any third party may suffer which is caused by or attributable to, whether directly or indirectly, your use of the website to send or post any such message or material.

Entire Agreement

  • These website terms and conditions constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and the Website Owner in relation to your use of the website. Either neither you nor the Website Owner shall be bound by any express tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. Unless otherwise specifically stated these website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the Website Owner in respect of your use of the website.

Personal information/Incorrect pricing/Placing order conditions 

  • In the unlikely event that an incorrect price is shown on our website, we reserve the right to abstain from fulfilling the order at that price.
  • You will of course be notified, and at which point you will be informed of the correct price, and given the choice to proceed with the order. You agree that your order is an offer to buy the Products under these Sales Terms.
  • You are responsible for sending us the correct personal information including any updated personal information in order for Medtick ltd to send the relevant information. We do not accept liability for any losses or claims arising from incorrect information given.
  • This website should be regarded as an invitation to treat. Any order placed by a customer is an offer to purchase, which Medtick Ltd may accept or decline in its absolute discretion without having to give a reason. All orders must then be accepted by us. We may choose not to accept abnormal orders and orders which are not placed in good faith.
  • Please note that Medtick ltd reserves the right to cancel your order at any time before you receive your ordered services and will be reviewed by our expert staff on whether a refund is available.
  • If you are ordering from outside the United Kingdom, it is your responsibility for ensuring that the receipt and use of the medicine prescribed or purchased complies with your local laws. Payment will usually be taken by Medtick ltd at the time that goods/reports are dispatched (except for payments using Paypal which are debited to the customer account at the time of placing the order). Where a customer payment is subsequently rejected or returned for any reason, the customer will be responsible for providing prompt alternative means of payment. In the event of default, reasonable collection charges and/or solicitors’ fees will be added to the customer’s account.
  • All offers on this site are subject to availability and whilst stocks last.


  • The Website Owner may at any time modify any relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices. You acknowledge that by visiting the website from time to time, you shall become bound to the current version of the relevant terms and conditions (the “current version”) and, unless stated in the current version, all previous versions shall be superseded by the current version. You shall be responsible for reviewing the then current version each time you visit the website.
  • Where any conflict or contradiction appears between the provisions of these website terms and conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices, the other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices which relate specifically to a particular section or module of the website shall prevail in respect of your use of the relevant section or module of the website.


  • No indulgence or extension of time which either you or the Website Owner may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppels or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.


  • The Website Owner shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices to any third party.


  • All provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices, which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall remain in full force and effect.

Applicable laws

  • Any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Great Britain without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Great Britain in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the website, or any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or any matter related to or in connection therewith.


  • We cannot guarantee that the site will operate continuously or without interruptions or be error-free. You must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site and, in particular, you must not attempt to circumvent security, tamper with, hack into, or otherwise disrupt the Site or any computer system, server, router or any other internet-connected device.
  • We cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that any content of the Site will be free from infection, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements for the safety and reliability of data input and output. We do not accept liability for any losses or claims arising from any inability to access the Site or any failure to complete a transaction.

Sharing information/Third party company deliveries

  • You understand that Medtick ltd may share your contact details with the manufacturer of items purchased if they offer extended warranty or third party products.
  • You can opt out at any time the final supplier.
  • Medtick ltd may use your answers you have answered for statistical purposes and forward the results of answers to any third party members for them to offer their services (no personal information will be given).
  • We are not responsible for failure of third party companies’ inability to deliver medicines/treatments or any services they offer to the correct address or email address or any form of communication they have with the person or within any particular time or date when using via the Medtick programme. You are responsible for your email and/or for signing for ‘third party’ packages containing medicines or products but any signature provided by third parties at the delivery address given by yourself will be deemed to be receipt.
  • These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

Programmes/Reports/(Refer to Dr) Services


Basic Report/Services

  • Once the user has answered questions (if they wish to) for the Basic report, we will send you an email with your order number and the results (attached report) if requested via email.
  • The medical conditions in the programme only include conditions that Medtick ltd has entered in the programme and the list is not fully exhaustive, medical conditions which are not in the programme will be investigated by your medical healthcare professional at their discretion.


Advanced Reports/Services

  • If one wishes to proceed to the Advanced section (Subti-titled: Medical conditions, Medication taken, Refer to Medical Doctor and Exposure to infection) we will take your payment first and then we will then allow you to proceed and send you an email with your order number and the results (attached report) if requested via email.
  • The medical conditions in the programme only include conditions that Medtick ltd has entered in the programme and the list is not fully exhaustive, medical conditions which are not in the programme will be investigated by your medical healthcare professional at their discretion.


The Infection Service, Nail aftercare ,Rash Aftercare or Aftercare service Report/Services

  1. After having received your (paid) order, we will send you an email in order to use the The Infection Service and/or Nail aftercare and/or Rash Aftercare and/or Aftercare Service.
  2. One can then login and answers questions (if they wish to) , a email with your order number and the results will be sent to you (attached report) if requested via email.
  3. We would advise you to answer all programmes/services (The Infection Service and/or Nail aftercare and/or Rash Aftercare and/or Aftercare Service)   available before visiting your healthcare professional as once your medical healthcare professional has the report no. and has claimed it, other services within the email which has the same report no. will not be valid and no refund will be available.
  • The medical conditions in the programme only include conditions that Medtick ltd has entered in the programme and the list is not fully exhaustive, medical conditions which are not in the programme will be investigated by your medical healthcare professional at their discretion.

Credits  (Payment for Aftercare service: The Aftercare service, Rash Aftercare , Nail Aftercare)

  • All credits (Aftercare Service, Rash Aftercare Service , Nail Aftercare Service)  are non- refundable in any circumstance.
  • Credits purchased for aftercare services (The Aftercare Service, Rash Aftercare Service , Nail Aftercare Service)  can be only redeemed for its purpose.
  • Credits  (The Aftercare Service, Rash Aftercare Service , Nail aftercare service)  are non transferable to other registered emails and/or those clients who have  accounts  with this programme  except for a person under their care i.e child and/or carer.
  • Credits (The Aftercare Service, Rash Aftercare Service , Nail Aftercare Service)  can only be purchased of those who are responsible for payment,  make sure one asks for  permission to the client responsible paying for the credits, as the credits are non- refundable in any form.


  • You should be aware that information captured will be viewed by our professional team (they will sign documents of non-disclosure agreements and will not be able to discuss any personal health matters of any person (you) or any representative , only matters related to aspects of programme function and accuracy).
  • All  the points in terms and conditions and sub-titles above apply to all aspects of the programmes and services offered.
  • Persons and/or  Representatives who use this programme should be aged 18 years and older (there is a behalf of section in the registration page to allow a representative who is over 18 years and older to use the programme for those who are:
    • Younger than 18 years old  (the representative who receives the reports and is 18 years and older will take responsibility).
    • Persons who do not have an email address.
    • Persons who are carers to a person who does not have an email address
    • Persons where the representative feels are not able to use a computer and/or phone and/or electronic devices in which the ‘Medtick’ programme can have access to i.e one who is disabled.


  • No part of the Medtick.com service may be reproduced or distributed in any material form or medium other than in accordance with the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) without the permission of the publisher.
  • Medtick.com contains copyrighted and other proprietary information.
  • Copyright in Medtick.com (including but not limited to text, photographs, graphics and software) is owned by or licensed to the publisher. No right, title or interest in any content of Medtick.com  is transferred or licensed to you as a result of your use of the website.
  • You may access the content of Medtick.com solely for your own personal non-commercial use unless you or your employer has purchased an appropriate licence.
  • You may retrieve and display the content on a computer screen in accordance with your licence.
  • You may print, but not subsequently photocopy, one copy of any individual file on paper and may store a single copy of any file in electronic form, but not on any server or any other storage device connected to a network where the pages could be accessed by anyone other than you other than in accordance with their licence.
  • Other than for private use, you may not download or copy, store in any medium (including any other web site), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, modify, show in public or make commercial or business use of any part of Medtick.com without the prior written consent of the publisher.
  • By accessing Medtick.com you agree not to use the content for any illegal or improper purpose.

Comments or Questions.

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns arising from the website, the privacy policy or any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or the way in which we are handling your personal information please contact us.