Treatment Fever

This section is about what over the counter treatments are available (not all treatments may be available in that country) and how they help.

  • Please check all ingredients to check if not allergic or sensitive to its contents


  • Provide fever relief and continue your daily routine.
  • Fever reducing medication will make one sweat that’s how they cool one down.
  • Fever reducing medication should only be considered in children who have fever with distress, it should not be used just to reduce fever. Treatment should only continue if the child appears to be distressed.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used alternately but not at the same time. Alternating is only considered if the child is distressed or reoccurs at the next dose.
  • Seek further medical advice if fever is not going down after using medication.

There are a wide range of painkillers and anti-inflammatory painkillers available and are available in a variety of forms from sachets, liquids, lozenges, tablets and soluble tablets.


  • Paracetamol has no anti-inflammatory action. It does help to reduce temperature and pain by blocking signals to the brain and is gentle on the stomach.
  • Paracetamol must be taken to the manufacturer’s direction.
  • Do not exceed dose as it can be dangerous.
  • Please be aware Paracetamol can be found in many cold and flu products so don’t take them together or talk to your pharmacist if one is not sure.
  • Do not store in the fridge.

Ibuprofen, aspirin

  • These are known as NSAID – Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.
  • They have painkilling, anti-inflammatory and lowering fever properties by helping to blocking prostaglandins.
  • They can cause stomach upset (extra caution must be taken with those who have a stomach ulcer) so it is important to have it with or after food.
  • It can also raise one’s blood pressure (extra caution on those with heart problems).
  • Do not take during chickenpox as it can to an increase chance of pneumonia and Necrotising Fasciitis
  • They must be taken according to manufacturer’s directions as exceeding the does can be dangerous.
  • Please be aware that cold and flu products have NSAIDs, do not take at same time or talk to your pharmacist if one is not sure.


Multivitamins are not intended to prevent long term conditions, reduce infection and is not proven (or data is weak) to help with cancer.

These are essential nutrients that the body requires in small amounts to function properly.
