Sleeping conditions (Miscellaneous) - Medtick

Sleeping conditions (Miscellaneous)

What is it?

  • Sleep terrors
  • Sleepwalking
  • Sleep eating – eating at night without realising (normally during sleep walking)
  • Sleep sex
  • Rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder
  • Hypersomnias (excessive sleep or sleepiness during the day)
  • Long term insomnias (poor quality nocturnal sleep that impacts on daytime performance)- defined as an inability to achieve or maintain sleep satisfactorily on the majority of nights over a period of at least three months
  • Parasomnias (disturbing events occurring from sleep) – i.e person may lash out in sleep (because during sleep – muscle realxation/paralayisis mechanism stops working)  and/or affected by conditions such as Parkinson’s disease causing severe injury
  • Circadian dysrhythmia or abnormal ‘biological clock’, sleeping and waking normally, but at times out of sync with the day/night cycle
  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome- this typically affects young people in their late teenage years and largely reflects an abnormal biological clock or circadian rhythm, sleep may not be easily achieved before around 3am but thereafter is of normal length and quality and/or frequently causing significant problems with waking at a conventional hour
  • Nocturnal hypoventilation- when there are significant abnormalities of gas exchange overnight, with patients reporting unrefreshing sleep and subsequent daytime sleepiness, can occur if extremely obese and/or have a weak diaphragm , muscle disorders and/or weakness and/or neurological disease
  • Idiopathic hypersomnolence (IH) is a rare disorder that can mimic the severe daytime sleepiness seen in narcolepsy – patient will report an excessive amount of good quality overnight sleep with early sleep onset and subsequent extreme difficulty arising at a conventional hour. Despite at least ten hours of nocturnal sleep, they will often nap excessively during the day or display signs of sleepiness including performance of automatic behaviours (e.g. writing nonsense prose down a page in a state between wake and sleep)
  • Exploding Head Syndrome- sleep disorder that causes a person to sense sudden, loud noises when falling asleep or waking up and is accompanied by intense fear and anxiety.

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Sleeping conditions (Miscellaneous) in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).