Prostatitis (Be aware if have a Prostate Condition) - Medtick

Prostatitis (Be aware if have a Prostate Condition)

What is it?

It is the inflammation (hot, red and swelling) and infection of the prostate gland.

  • Prostate gland produces various liquids and is mixed with sperm (from testicles) to help to produce semen (a thick white fluid).
  • It can affect all ages of men.

There are two types:

  • Chronic (long term) Prostatitis: Common condition, where symptoms vary (can be less severe or more severe) and can come and go. Symptoms experienced are three months or more.
  • Acute (short term) Prostatitis: Rare condition, where symptoms are severe and develop quickly that can damage the prostate gland and surrounding areas. Even after treatment it can return.




(Symptoms can come and go and occur over a period of time)

  • High temperature greater than 38°C (100°F) or over and/or chills and sweats longer than 72 hours?
  • Difficult to start urinating and stop urinating?
  • General discomfort (muscle weakness), uneasiness or ill feeling (malaise) and/or fatigue (tiredness)?
  • Feeling bladder has not fully emptied after urinating causing infections (cloudy-smelly urine, fever, nausea and vomiting, pain in abdomen) more likely?
  • Aching, painful muscles, muscle cramps/spasms/stiffness?
  • Joint stiffness and pain?
  • Increase thirst, heavy sweating and need to urinate frequently?
  • Pain in pelvis area, lower back?
  • Abdominal pain and/or are constant violently vomiting or vomiting longer than two days (one day if a child)?
  • Pain when urinating?
  • Pain when ejaculating?
  • Erectile dysfunction?

Complications /Information to beware of/General tips:

Medical Emergency Condition

And/or do not wait, phone for an ambulance if have or develop:

  • Sepsis
  • Dehydration symptoms
  • Unable to pass urine
  • Severe pain and swelling in abdominal region?
  • Symptoms of  Acute (short term) Prostatitis and/or  prostatic abscess develop SUDDENLY:
    • Severe abdominal pain?
    • Frequent need to urinate?
    • High fever of  38°C (100°F) , feeling hot sweaty and clammy?
    • Nausea and vomiting?
    • Swollen scrotum?
    • Pain when urinating?
    • Difficult to start or stop urination?

This condition can lead to:

Methods to reduce lower urinary tract symptoms:

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Avoid drinking fluids at bedtime, and drink smaller amounts throughout the day
  • Avoid taking decongestant and antihistamine medications (especially if one believes they have cold and flu symptoms)
  • Get regular exercise
  • Make a habit of going to the bathroom when the urge is present
  • Practice double voiding (empty the bladder, wait a moment, then try again)
  • Practice stress management and relaxation techniques


This condition may show similar symptoms to:

Please talk to your healthcare professional (i.e. Medical Doctor/Pharmacist) for further advice

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Prostatitis (Be aware if have a Prostate Condition) in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).