Kennedy Disease - Medtick

Kennedy Disease

What is it?

A rare inherited male condition that causes continuing weakening of one’s muscles particularly the arms and legs.

  • Symptom usually appear between the ages of 30 and 50 but can occur earlier or as late as 60- 70 years old.


  • Unknown
  • Family history (mainly from males , females are carriers)


  • Difficulty in swallowing?
  • Difficulty in chewing?
  • Nasal secretions?
  • Slurring of speech?
  • Difficulty in handling secretions, dribbling saliva?
  • Choking on liquids?
  • Problems in voice and making sounds?
  • Difficulty in speaking words?
  • Hand shaking?
  • Normal plantar response ( i.e., when the bottom of the foot is scraped, the toes bend down. An abnormal response would be an upward bending of the toes indicating a problem in the brain itself)?
  • Muscle weakness?
  • Numbness and/or loss of pain sensation in arms and legs?
  • Poor reflexes (knee)?
  • Muscle twitching?
  • Calf  muscles become thicker because of muscle cramps?
  • Large breasts?
  • May show one side of body affected more than others?

Male only:

Detailed Information

Please copy and paste any key words from the title: Kennedy Disease in the following respective 'Medtick References and/or Sources' to find out more about the disease (this also may include diagnosis tests and generic medical treatments).