General Tips Bacterial and Viral Conjunctivitis

  • Check with school – if patient needs to be away from school.
  • Change contact lens solution to prevent re-infection.
  • Stop or cut down smoking.
  • Check if have family history of eye conditions and let your medical doctor know.
  • Obtain an eye wash cap or cotton wool and bathe infected eye in boiled/cooled water or use eye wipes and dispose.
  • One can use salt water eye drops if suitable, it acts as an antiseptic and clean out any debris in the eye, particularly if one has swelling below the eye lid as this can either be caused normally by an infection such as:
    • Blocked eye duct or blocked  hair follicle (eye lash)  
    • If it does not help one should consider if one has a skin infection and/or sinus infection or an underlying skin condition (please see your medical doctor).
  • If irritation around eyes or on eye lids, one can use a paraffin base product or simple eye ointment or bathe in salt water.
  • Avoid rubbing eyes.
  • Always wash your hands if you do touch your eyes. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Dispose your used tissues and do not share towels, pillow, flannels, and sunglasses.
  • Wash all face cloths and pillows in hot and detergent.
  • Don’t wear eye make up and dispose infected cosmetic products. Do not re-use recently used eye make up and eye brush or any products which requires eye contact.
  • Use a humidifier at home and work. This will help to moisture the air. Have plenty of air circulate (open windows) and maintain a cool temperature.
  • Do not share eye drops.
  • Wear quality wrap around sunglasses with CE mark to protect your eyes.
  • Patient may get a taste of eye drops in mouth or failing that eye drops running back of the throat. This is normal as tears drain at back of nose. Eye drops may drain as well.

General Eye Vision

  • Limit alcohol intake, coffee, fizzy drinks and tea – they will dehydrate you.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Have regular eye examinations, especially if over 40 years old at least every two years.
  • Eat a healthy diet, low in unsaturated fats, high in fruit and vegetables.
  • Eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, kales, spinach, turnip tops, broccoli and carrots. These contain lots of nutrients that convert to Vitamin A.
  • Eat more Omega 3 fat products: tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring and salmon for good eye function. At least two portions weekly.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Have regular check up with doctor/optometrist particularly if any eye conditions, blood pressure, weak immune system i.e. diabetes.
  • Avoid eye injuries (wear protective goggles).
  • Keep physically active (choose exercise carefully, adopting head down position increases pressure in eyes).
  • If wearing lenses, always follow good hygiene routines as advised by your optician.
  • People wearing contact lens more than 5 days a week for longer than 12 hrs a day should see optometrist every six months.

Contact lens wearers

  • Wash and dry hands before using any lenses.
  • Clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses each time one remove’s them.
  • Keep all solutions bottles closed when not in use.
  • Clean your lens daily and let it air dry and replace every three months.
  • Always use solution by its expiry date on the bottle otherwise discard
  • Removes lens before one goes swimming.
  • See your optician regularly for general checkups.


  • Let soaps, cosmetics or other products touch your lenses.
  • Let the tip of the contact solution bottle touch any surface including the contact lens.
  • Re-use any lens solution.
  • Wear your lens in a harmful or irritating vapour and/or fumes environment.
  • Wear lens more than the time scale stated by manufacturer.
  • Swap or share contact lenses.

How to use eye drops

  • Wash hands before opening the bottle.
  • Bend head backwards and pull down lower eye lid.
  • Put one drop into the eye and blink few times so medication can spread over whole eye. (Avoid touching the tip of product to eye).
  • Close the eye for a few minutes;
  • Wipe away any excess on face.
  • If you need more than one drop wait a few minutes before putting next drop.
  • Make sure the tip doesn’t touch your fingers or any other surface to prevent contamination.
  • Ensure the cap is replaced and hands are washed before resuming activities.
  • The bottle should be closed and store in a dark cool place after use.
  • Eye drops must be sterile.
  • Read instructions carefully. Some eye drops need to be kept in fridge e.g. Chloramphenicol.
  • Throw away eye drops (used or not) four weeks after opening unless stated otherwise (write the date when first opened on bottle).

Natural treatments and tips (DR Axe)

Click on ‘DR Axe Co founder on ANCIENT NUTRITION’  to find out more about natural treatments, home remedies treatments and much more!

  • Simply type the symptom/condition in the search bar and read the informative treatments.
    (please note Medtick is not responsible for the information on external websites)